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Puff the Magic Dragon's New Home LbNA #18184 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Flotilla the Hun
Plant date:Sep 18, 2005
Found by: R Team
Last found:May 19, 2007
Last edited:Sep 18, 2005
6/21/08 - Puff has left his new home forever! After many reports of critter attacks and missing log books, the entire Letterbox was confirmed missing this time and will not be replaced!

This Letterbox begins at the Cozy Inn just east of US23 on the river you can't cross in a row boat. (Allow an hour for a cheap but tasty burger & chicken fries) Head east past a pleasant valley. As you pass the marble jungle on your left note the address. When you come to the next road, go south to enter the state park, pay the park fee (daily or annual) and ask for a map. Make sure its the right park! This park's phone number adds up to 42 if you include the area code. Bring a towel & suit if you like its a great park for swimming! This is a moderate hike of about 1 and 1/2 miles round trip. Be careful this is also a bike trail for part of the hike.

The concept for this LB came from the dragon stamp I bought as my original trail stamp. Then I learned how to carve (or so I claim!) Now, I've put "Puff" to good use again!

Puff, the magic dragon
lived by the sea.
And frolicked in the autumn mist
in a land called Honah Lee.

Little Jackie Paper
loved that rascal Puff.
And brought him strings and ceiling wax
and other fancy stuff. OH!

Alright, we all know the story. They hang out, Jackie grows up & moves on. Puff gets bummed out, he hides in his cave and falls into depression. Until one day, a couple of the noble kings & princes come by and convince Puff to move on with his life and start living again. Puff realizes that they are right. To heck with Jackie Paper, I'm moving from Honah Lee. Puff always liked fresh water better than the salt water of the sea, so he looked around until he found Brighton with its inland lakes all over the place. Slowly, Puff began moving his horde of "Fancy Stuff" to his new abode.

Puff doesn't like to be disturbed, in fact you passed most of the poor creatures that have accidentally awakened him - remember the address? His breath turned them all to stone so be careful!

If you care to search for Puff remember that this park is very busy so be careful not to be spied upon when uncovering or returning the box.

To find Puff go to the Riverbend - Park near the circle and take the color trail that you would get if you subtracted blue from green. Head west to a bridge & cross. Follow the trail right to a Y intersection. Remember the marble jungle? If the sum of the address numbers is > 14 go straight. If it is < 14 go right. Through the spiders lair then you'll pass some phone poles near the Railroad tracks on your Left. Follow the main path as it snakes into the woods. Soon you'll be heading downhill to the north. On your left is a huge dead tree next to the path that looks like a giant spider. Stand under the overhanging branch and go 25 steps (you will see a wooden arrow on your right. Go another 75 steps. On your left is a tree on a small rise, at the base of this tree covered in bark is your prize. This can be a fairly busy path so be careful replanting Puff!