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River Woman LbNA #21045 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 26, 2006
Planted by:pauls101
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Mar 26, 2006


River Woman is unavailable until further notice. I found the "covering" scattered and the box improperly replaced, which caused it to flood out (this one requires careful handling, since it is actually submerged at times.)

I'll try to get it back in place, but it may take a while.

Read this first:

River Woman is a challenging find that requires agility and good judgement. There is definite potential for injuries, and it's not recommended for children or nighttime visits. Water levels can change rapidly with little warning, making access difficult or impossible on any given day, and people have been stranded here before by rising water. Also, beware of nesting geese, who will attack intruders.

River Woman is a combined letterbox and geocache. This means that the container is larger and contains extra items. Feel free to sign the geocache log, trade items, and take your picture with the included camera (pictures may be posted online.)

Be careful to rehide just as found: River Woman is designed to test survival in difficult locations, and I don't want her flooding out or floating away!

Now for the Clues:

In Kingsport, go to where North and South come together, and walk the narrow way between. The Way passes through the graveyard of a forest, with many, both young and old, brought low untimely and far from home. The Dead will contend with you: take great care in this place.

Pass the Cannon, and you'll soon come to the Fallen Span. Here you must cross a stream that may flow in either direction, or may rise to drown the ford. The footing can be slippery and treacherous here.

Continuing on, come at last to solid ground and follow the winding sandy path between the waters. Look for a weathered concrete slab, about 2 feet by 4 feet, lying diagonally next to the path to your right. The nearest corner points your way down to the edge of the wider river.

At the water's edge, turn right (downstream) and look for a fair sized round river stone lying on top of a pile of concrete rubble on the bank. Below the Stone lies That which you seek.