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Equine Dreams LbNA #21326 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Apr 10, 2006
City:New Marlborough
Planted by:CelticNutmeg
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Oct 21, 2018
Directions: The link to Questing has directions but my suggestion - from Great Barrington, MA, follow Rt 23 east toward Butternut Ski Center. You'll pass the ski center. Eventually Rts 57 and 183 branch off to the right. Follow this 5 miles and New Marlborough Hill Road is on your right - a dirt road and easy to miss the sign. Questing will be on your left about a half mile down this road.

This is a very easy trail and probably takes about an hour and a half leisurely walk to do the whole loop (it's almost 2 miles).

Questing is a beautiful place. According to the Trustees for the Reservations website (see the link to Questing to the left) it is what remains of a"...200-year-old settlement known as Leffingwell, where the first non-Native American children were born in Berkshire County."

bullet To find the box, follow the trail out of the parking lot. When you get to the meadow, the path follows south along the edge for a bit then forks. The left hand path leads S/SE into the woods; the right hand path leads more W/SW around the meadow. You can go either way but the directions assume you head south into the woods at this point.
bullet As you go along, you begin to follow a stone wall and soon you climb across it. When you've crossed your third stone wall, look for the great big old birch on your left. Follow the wall maybe 10 feet more to the dead tree on the trail side of the wall. At the base of the tree is a flat rock that you can tip back to open like an oven door. Take a look inside. And do look before sticking your hand in a stone wall. You never know who might be there.

That's it!! Don't forget to re-hide the box, please. Now enjoy the rest of the trail!