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Ashville Train Station LbNA #21974 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 5, 2006
Planted by:Spoiled Rotten
Found by: The Hobos
Last found:May 10, 2010
Last edited:May 5, 2006
Both of these boxes are located in Ashville, Ohio at the Train Station. The easiest way to find the train station is from US. Rt. 23. When you are in South Bloomfield turn onto 316 East. 316 East is the road that runs between Wendy's and McDonalds, make sure you take that road and not 316 West which is by the Pawn Shop. Follow that road straight into Ashville. Once in Ashville Before the first trafic light and Before the Railroad tracks you come to is Cromley Rd. Go down Cromley Rd. until you come to a stop sign, the train Station on on the right.

Box #1
Walk up the steps and follow the side walk up to the deck. Once on the deck put your hand on the guard rail. Look under the deck where the guard rail is. You have found your way to the Ashville, Ohio Train Station!

Box #2
After finding box #1 make sure to look in the windows of the train station. Hopefully you haven't missed your train you better hurry and get your ticket! Follow the deck around the station and walk to the caboose. Walk around to the other side. See the wheels? Look close to them for two triangle shapes and look up inside between the triangles.

Please be careful not to be spotted and replace both letterboxes when you are done. Let me know if you find them.