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Prairie View Park LbNA #2409 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:pale puppy posse
Plant date:Jan 1, 2003
Found by: TeamRabbit
Last found:Sep 3, 2003
Last edited:Nov 3, 2015
Placed by Kazoo Dog with help from Joan & Ellen - and six dogs. Adopted by pale puppy posse in May 2009.

Easy Walking

This letterbox, the first I've placed, may be the first one in any of Kalamazoo's five county parks. Prairie View Park, although its postal address is Vicksburg, is just as close to Portage. A 208-acre park with access to two lakes, Prairie View is a very popular park that has fishing and a boat ramp, swimming, soccer fields, picnic areas, sledding and hiking. Entry fee may be required; an annual pass that allows access to all Kalamazoo County Parks is $20.00 ($15.00 for seniors) or $5.00 per carload. For more information:


Prairie View Park can be reached from I-94 by taking the Portage Rd. exit south to East U Ave., turning right onto U Ave.; the park entrance is located on the right about 1/4 mile from Portage Rd. Once in the park, use the first parking area, which is immediately left of the entry booth and is the only accessible parking place during "off season" and, at all seasons, offers the letterbox hiker the nicest outing.


Once you've parked your car, you will see a paved road that leads east-west; go west on this road (in winter, the road is closed to traffic, but is generally clear of snow). Continue walking west on this road, passing picnic areas and a road to a boat launch (in warm weather, if you have a water-loving dog with you, you may wish to take a side trip to the launch as dogs are allowed to swim in this area). Continuing west on the main road, you'll come to the Beach Pavilion (in some seasons, you can park in the large lot located here). Take time out at this spot to view Hogsett Lake. Exploring done, return to the road where the gate is located; there you will bear left, following the road in an easterly direction. Along the way, make sure to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of both the forested and wetland areas you traverse. Once you've passed Area 5, you'll encounter an area that - on the right - is quite flat and wooded with a tree stump clearly visible about 35 steps away on the left - and beyond rises up as a small hill. There's a stump that resembles a chair on this side. Go to the stump chair; climb north 21 steps from the chair (Bewar:I'm a short-legged walker whose steps may be quite a bit shorter than "normal".); there's a tall straight tree standing alone there. From that tree, turn 90 degrees due east, going another another 16 steps to a pile of fallen, decaying brush and trees. Check out the east side of the fallen tree trunk to find the letterbox. Since this area could be very busy at times, you may wish to return to the stump chair or even proceed up the road to the picnic/play area to do your stamping. After you've returned the letterbox to its place, you may retrace your steps -- or continue by returning to the road, going up the road past the picnic area. Beyond that, Gourdeneck Lake can be seen on your right. You will again come to a fork in the road; take the left one, walking past the soccer fields and ultimately reaching full circle to find your car where you left it.