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First Prize LbNA #26570 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Oct 21, 2006
City:New Milford
Planted by:Mango Minstrels
Found by: Fenway Flynns
Last found:Nov 28, 2008
Last edited:Oct 21, 2006
Sunny Valley Preserve
Farm and Nature Trail System
8 Sunny Valley Lane, New Milford, CT 860-355-3716
Hiking, birding

On 7/27/09 this box was reported as possibly missing. Very sadly the ziploc bag it was stored in was found up the trail a bit. Once I check on this box, I will update the actual status.

Approximately ¾ mile to the box. Some steep climbing for the last ¼ mile to the box.

Park by the green and red garage and take the path behind the garage. This is the start of the yellow blaze trail. Once you reach the woods, the yellow trail branches out in two directions. Look to your right for the yellow blaze trail that goes into the woods. Take this trail through the woods as you begin your search for FIRST PRIZE. When the trail comes out into a meadow on the opposite side on the woods, take a left to continue on the yellow trail. You will see a red trail on your right; continue straight on yellow. Before the entrance to the white trail, you will see a seemingly unmarked trail to your right and 6 single high-tension wire poles in the distance.

The entrance to the white blaze trail is up ahead to your left about 5 paces. The beginning of this trail is not well marked, and is a little over grown. Prepare for an uphill battle to claim FIRST PRIZE. During your uphill battle you will see a white blaze marker on the ground next to the third log-step letting you know that you are on the correct path. Further up the trail you will pass a long log lying across the trail. Continue forward and you will see a young set of triplets on your right with a white blaze on one. Up ahead on your left you are looking for a much older set of triplets who are going their separate ways. This is by the clearing before the rocky trail. Stop and marvel at how nature can create such interesting sights. Oh, you are so close to winning FIRST PRIZE.

With the old triplets to your left take a compass reading of 30 degrees and you should see a birch tree (I think) with a white blaze on it. Next to this tree is an evergreen, and behind the evergreen is a rock that looks like a stump from afar. You will win FIRST PRIZE if you look under this rock.

NOTE: If you get to the LARGE downed telephone pole with the white blaze on it to your right, you have gone too far.

Once you have stamped FIRST PRIZE and re-hidden it well, you can continue on the white trail and it will take you back to the beginning of the yellow trail or you can turn around and climb back down to the back end of the yellow trail and follow that back to your car. The choice is yours.

There is another letterbox placed in the preserve by another letterboxer.

I have included a link below to a map of the trails to help navigate the area.

Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.
Happy Letterboxing~~Mango Minstrels