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Rail Trail North "Throw Them a Bone" LbNA #27007 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Dec 31, 2010
Planted by:GeoJoe Contact Inactive
Found by: Ralph Spoilsport
Last found:Apr 3, 2011
Last edited:Dec 31, 2010
I replaced this Letterbox with a new simple stamp. If you are wondering why a bone i will tell you. I had what I thought was a very nice hand carved stamp. Unfortunately someone did not like it and consequently destroyed the box and left a small plastic Band-Aid box with a small bone inside! So the "Bone" stamp is by request, hope they like it.

Park at the Cornwall trailhead of the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail, on Route 419 in Cornwall. Head north on the trail to the first bridge that crosses a country road. This is Culvert Road. On the south west side of the bridge foundation, outside the railing you will find a Bench Mark (BM) on the top level. It is a small bronze disc affixed in concrete. Be careful, it is a drop down to the road and should not be tried by younger children. I found it safer to climb up to the marker from the road. In the center of the disc you will find a letter/number on top, "S170" with a line drawn underneath it. The number or in this case date, below the line, is the number you will use for the pace-count calculations. Note I counted every step. Start out standing in the middle of the bridge and walk south on the trail.


You should be at a bench.
Turn to the west or right and go 10 steps. Turn left head south.


Turn to the west or right and go 8 steps. Look at the base of a tree.

Please be as discrete as possible the trail is heavily used. Camouflage the box as much as possible before you leave.

Thanks, enjoy!