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The Weir LbNA #34812 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 18, 2007
City:Stronach Twp.
Planted by:milagro
Found by: Angel Winks
Last found:Apr 2, 2012
Last edited:Aug 18, 2007
From M-55 turn onto Stronach Rd. heading West. Watch for the turn onto "Old Stronach Rd." There should be a sign saying "Little Manistee River Weir".(I know there is if traveling East on Stronach Rd.) On Old Stronach you will pass a cemetary on the left and cross over the river to what appears the end of the road. Go left. You will drive quite a ways down this road, looking for the driveway that goes down to the Weir. There will be a small camping area on the right side of the road. You will turn left.

*Note this is heavily used by the fisherman, so do take care when retreiving and hiding this box*

Start your quest at the dam. Follow the rocky edge along the river. You will see the path that follows the river here. Walk/jump over small footbridge and the roots on the path. Pass the 300' white pole on your left. Note the "Bald Eagle Nesting Area sign on the tree. See the 2 trees lying bent over the river?
Past the second one stop and look across the river to the tallest pine. Do you see the eagles' nest? Pretty cool aye? Anyway, continue on your way down the path past the 2nd nesting sign. Over the tree roots, past the 3rd nesting sign on a very mossy tree. Onward you go past the large 4-trunked mossy tree on the left. Over the small tree downed in the path. More roots. Along the rivers edge you go. Spy the large pine leaning over the river, pass over the roots and STOP. Look to your left into the small dark forest . Walk straight into it and stop in the center clearing. Still facing in the same direction you will see the tree with the tallest root structure. This tree is also the furthest from the path. Look behind this tree deep into the tunnel at the bottom. I'd use a stick 1st just in case. Here lies you Bald Eagle.

NOTE: Before you set out you must read and agree to the Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer.