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Read a Book! LbNA #36672 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 12, 2007
State:Rhode Island
Found by: The Pop Artist
Last found:Jun 28, 2011
Last edited:Nov 12, 2007
Read a book

This box was originally planted outside the library. I have moved it inside.

1. Go to the reference section in the Children's Room. Grab World Book Encyclopedia volume 12. On page 414, figure out what this machine is built to pull or, sometimes, push. _ _ _ _ _ _ (5 letters)
2. Find the card catalog on the internal computers (there are some upstairs and some downstairs). Look up a book by Roger Gastman which he wrote with other authors including Ian Sattler. Write the title of that book. (3 words)
3. While you are still up in the Children's Room, look around and count the number of aquariums. Write the one digit number here: _
4. Using the card catalog again, look up a true story about an animal named Dewey who lived in a place such as the one you are in right now. What is the number that is often mentioned in relation to this type of animal? Write the one digit number here: _ (btw, this book is a wonderful story, I encourage you to get a copy to enjoy!)
5. On the first floor, find non-fiction section: PN2287 M69. What movie star are these books about? What movie did she star in that has a number in it? If you need another hint, the movie won a Golden Globe for Best Actor. Write that one digit number, from the movie title here: _

Now you have all the information that you need. Put it together this way:
The first letter from #1.
The first letter from #2.
The numbers, in order, from 3, 4 and 5.
Go to the non-fiction area on the first floor. Find the section of books with that call number. Attached to the underneath of the shelf these books are on, is the letterbox. Is it attached via a magnet, which can be noisy, so reattach quietly after you log in.

Please let us know if this box needs any first aid. Thanks!