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Spring is Here! LbNA #38389 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 20, 2008
Planted by:Trimfam
Found by: MannClan
Last found:Jul 11, 2008
Last edited:Mar 20, 2008
Del Campo Park
Carmichael, CA

Park closes at dusk.

The parking lot for this park is located on a street named after a comic strip cat who also happens to share the name with a character from Wuthering Heights.

Park in the parking lot. Look for a dirt footpath on the right that goes towards the nature area. Go down this path until you reach the paved sidewalk to nowhere. Cross the sidewalk and continue down the path for 50 steps. Turn right and go 5 steps. The box is at the base of the first large bush on the right under some bark and leaves.

Please re-hide carefully to keep it from being seen from the path.