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Boxerwood Letterbox LbNA #41134 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 25, 2008
Planted by:Boxerwood
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:May 25, 2008
Letterboxing in Boxerwood
Boxerwood Nature Center and Woodland Garden is located at 963 Ross Road in Lexington. For more information please call
463-2697 or visit us on the web at
- Park in upper parking lot
- Find the 5MPH tree circle near the entrance
- Walk to meta moon chair
- Take 20 giant steps diagonally down parking lot until you reach the grass
- Walk to evergreen with horizontal skinny limbs
- While standing to the left of the tree, follow path to left.
- Pass BARN on your left
- Walk through hedge entry way to BETTY’S GARDEN
- Take a right on path and follow it to the SPRING HOUSE ( the people living here used to get their drinking water from this spring)
- Follow the path to your left for a nice stroll. (notice all the different typed of trees)
- When you get to a crossroads you will notice a CAIRN (a pile of rocks that indicate which direction to go based on the positioning of rocks) follow it’s directions to the right path.
- Pass the second spring and mailbox. Take a minute to check out what is inside mailbox.
- Continue on path and stop when you reach “YOU ARE HERE X meanwhile…”
- Turn right and cross the Zigzag Bridge. ( they say that evil spirits can not cross a bridge if it is not straight)
- Once under the arbor, take a left and if you are quiet enough you might be able to see some frogs and turtles.
- After crossing the wooden bridge, veer to the left.
- Stay to the left of the arching tree and follow path past the tall sculpture on the right.
- Bear right at the evergreen bush
- Take a left into the “EYE” ( caution, if your taller than 3 feet you will need to crouch down to get in)
- After making it into the EYE there will be a circle of stumps to your right.
- Walk straight ahead to the decaying log
- The letterbox is tucked inside the right side of the log.
- PLEASE LOOK INSIDE LOG BEFORE REACHING YOUR HANDS IN to make sure there are no woodland creatures inside.
- After finding the letterbox please feel free to continue exploring Boxerwood Nature Center &Woodland Gardens. Stop by the lodge and let us know what you thought!
Happy Trails!!