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Richard and Arlean Walker Town Forest LbNA #41210

Plant date:Jun 25, 2008
State:New Hampshire
Planted by:creaturesofthenight
Found by: Sagacorn
Last found:Jun 18, 2023
Last edited:Jun 25, 2023
updated 6/18/2021
the tree hugging itself is no longer there. however, you can not miss the smiling rock.
please use green ink.


This is the first letterbox we've placed. When you find it, we'd love to hear about your adventure and how the box is doing! Thanks!

-creatures of the night

This letterbox was created in loving memory of Richard and Arlean Walker of Hollis, NH. They were the owners of this land before it became part of the Hollis Town Forest. Richard was a selectman in the Town of Hollis for over four decades, and his wife, Arlean, was a talented (though modest) artist. For many years, they owned and operated a poultry and produce farm not far from this forest area. They were dedicated to preserving the rural character of Hollis. The design for the hand-carved letterbox stamp was taken from one of Arlean’s many wildlife sketches. Both Richard and Arlean are dearly missed by family and friends.

The Richard and Arlean Walker Town Forest is located on Farley Road in Hollis, NH. The sign is not very visible from the road, but the closest house to the Town Forest entrance is 206 Farley Road (located on the same side of the street). The entrance is less than ¼ mile from where Farley Road joins with Nevins Road, so our estimate for an actual street address for the entrance would be about 210 Farley Road. A quick search on will give you a clearer understanding of the location.

Once you have found the parking area, start off by facing 260 degrees. Walk past the emerald gate and ascend a small hill (NOT the trail on your immediate right). At the top of the hill, bear right at the cluster of hemlock trees, then curve to the left and ascend a second hill. To the right of the trail, notice a tree giving itself a one-armed hug. Continue towards a smiling rock on the path, who is telling you that you're on the right track. From the smile, continue along the path 23 paces (1 pace = 2 steps). Notice the 4-pronged tree to the W. If you'd like, you can take a quick break on the nearby stump. From here, continue on the path for 35 more paces and notice the big cluster of rocks on your right. Have a seat on the rock pile and find your compass again. From atop the rock, turn towards a bearing of 130 degrees. Your search ends in the crevice that is parallel to the trail. After stamping, please be sure to re-hide the box well!

Your search for the letterbox may have ended, but your trek through the woods doesn't have to. There are several trails in this part of the town forest, some of which connect to the Dunklee and Parker Pond areas. If you're interested in continuing on the trails, be sure to take a look at the trail map posted in the parking area before heading out. Be aware that not all of the trails are marked with blazes!