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Buckeye State LbNA #4287 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 30, 2003
Planted by:Seeker of Flags
Found by: SpringChick
Last found:Jun 4, 2003
Last edited:May 30, 2003
Buckeye State Temporary box - This box was originally planted for the Great Lakes Letterbox Gathering last May and has now been removed. It will be replanted in Ohio soon.
Special Thanks to Bill and Carol of Dexter, MI who volunteered to become foster parents for this box.

Waterloo Recreation Area
Chelsea, MI

Find the Park Headquarters. As you answer nature's call and ponder the gender question, look west. Spot the unlucky trail head and start to stroll. Step lightly over the moles tunnels. Take the second opportunity to rest offered and look 300 degrees. Take about 12 paces to a four trunked tree, probably Honey Locust. In the cavity formed by the four trunks, find your out-of-state visitor.