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In Search of the Big Bass LbNA #49418 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 3, 2009
Planted by:The Feeney V
Found by: FelixPezGirl
Last found:Apr 11, 2011
Last edited:Aug 3, 2009
This is our family's first attempt at hiding a letterbox and possibly more along this trail will follow in the future...

This letterbox is hidden at Ames Nowell State Park in Abingon, MA.

One of our family's newest hobbies is fishing and Daddy and daughter will spend hours upon hours fishing. If you were to ask why they spend so much time out there, they would say they're waiting to catch the big bass so in honor of their Daddy/Daughter time, we have created our first letterbox, "In Search of the Big Bass."

From the car to the letterbox should take you between 20 and 25 minutes. Have fun!

As you enter the Ames Nowell, park in the lot on the right. Get out of car and walk past brown information building. Walk straight ahead between two rocks onto path going downhill. Once on the cement walkway, continue on, bearing left at the fork in the road until you have reached the docks. In front of the docks there will be a rock with two trees to the right. Walk between the two trees following the rocky path covered with pine needles cutting through a picnic area with tables and grills. You will soon see a rock wall in front of you. Climb over. Along waters edge, you will see a narrow path. Follow that path. There will be a bench on your right. Continue...

Soon you will cross a mini bridge. Careful not to fall in the mud. Continue over another small wooden bridge. And yet, a third. There will be a rock in the center of the path. Hop over and continue...

Continue on path past trees with names. There will be a small fork. Bear right. Hop over fallen tree. Continue and on left you will see a huge boulder. Continue and on right you will see a bunch of fallen trees. Walk on and you will see a stone wall with a break in it. Go through the wall and continue on path. You will come to a rock valley. If you stand on the boulder to the left, you will see a nice view of the pond. This is also a nice spot to fish but a little too sunny for our Irish skin. Continue down path. Hop over yet another fallen tree. The path goes up and downhill for a short while. There will be a fork in the path. Bear left going down the rockiest of the two paths. Cross over the 4th wooden bridge and continue down rocky path...

There will be a group of 5 trees on the left with a space in the middle and a single tree on the right. Cut through the break in trees and continue down path.

In order to catch the big bass you need to have patience...Keep walking.

After a while, you will see a rock wall on your left. Follow until there is a break in the wall and there is a clearing with a view of the water's edge. Go down the litle path leading to the water's edge. This is one of our favorite fishing spots where we have caught our big bass. Depending on the day and time, you may see Daddy and daughter on one of their fishing excursions. Just before you get to the water's edge, on your left you will see the last rock in the line of the rock wall. Standing on this rock and counting this rock as your 1st, walk until you get to your 8th rock. You will be in between two trees. Standing on the 8th rock, count 6 more rocks in the line of the rock wall. The 5th rock is covered in moss. Underneath the 6th rock is "In Search of the Big Bass" letterbox.

Please rehide carefully placing the 3 small rocks, the log and leaves in front of hole so the letterbox will not be visible.