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Gone Fishing bday box #6 LbNA #50237

Plant date:Sep 7, 2009
Planted by:stardawn20
Found by: Hartletts
Last found:Jul 7, 2019
Last edited:Sep 7, 2009
-Off I-89 take exit #8 (Montpelier exit) you will go through three traffic lights.
-At the fourth traffic light you will need to take the right at the light onto route 12 (also known as Northfield rd)There will be a bridge on the left at the light which will lead you to Montpelier's capitol city!!
-about three miles on this road (you will have passed dog river farm on your right already) you will drive under a bridge which is where the train crosses over.Continue on the road till you enter into the town called Riverton. Riverton is so small it doesn't have a post office.

You will eventually see west Berlin cemetery on your left and travel down the hill you will see Berlin Volunteer Fire Dept. Park in the parking area and you will see a posted sign at the trails edge. Following the trail down and around you will pass a picnic table on your left. Shortly there after the path will curve right. At this point you will look to your left and see a bench overlooking the river. about ten steps or so back from this bench you will come to a crab apple tree that is leaning to the left. This tree has two trunks growing up off the side of the main trunk about half way up it. Behind this apple tree tucked under exposed roots and grass you will find "Gone Fishing" hidden under a rock and bark. Please re-hide well and be discreet as this is a popular picnic and fishing spot.