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Birthday Wishes: Tony LbNA #52706 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 27, 2010
Planted by:FrogiNater
Found by: 3 Daydreamers
Last found:Jul 31, 2010
Last edited:Mar 27, 2010
In honor of my baby brother's birthday. I knew we were going to hide one, but I had no idea where- then the perfect spot presented itself.

Go to Fort Missoula and find a nice spot to park. It's a great place to take a picnic on a nice day. Plenty of open grassy areas and a lot you can visit-- you shouldn't get bored.

Once you are ready to start looking, search for building 334, Powder Magazine.

Once you read about this, you will understand why this was the perfect place. My family is from Texas- and not just any part of Texas, Fort Hood. (Family of Army brats.) Read the sign to see the significance of this building. Walk around the east side to the back of the building. About 5 steps in, once you turn the corner, you will want to bend down low and remove 2 loose rocks at dirt level. That's where's Tony's birthday wish is.