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Box of the Month 2010: Brede Abbey (July) LbNA #54270 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Flutterby Flew By
Plant date:Jul 2, 2010
Found by: Bungalow Boxer
Last found:Jul 21, 2010
Last edited:Jul 2, 2010
**Retired as of 7/22/10**

~It is time to once again enjoy the wonderful creations from fellow letterboxers across the country. This round of the "box of the month" club has begun.

These boxes will be in place for approximately the first three (3) weeks of the month. They will then be retired and sent along to their next stop. The beginning of the following month will yield yet another wonderful creation for you to find. The location will remain the same, but the contents will change. You will need to bring your own ink.

To find this monthly changing box, make your way to the lower trails of Szegda Farm in Columbia, CT.
From the intersection of routes 66 and 87, travel down route 87 towards Lebanon. You will be taking your first left on to Szegda Road.
At the stop sign, go left and travel just under a half mile to the parking area for the lower trails on the right hand side of the road. It is marked by a large red sign. There is plenty of off road parking.

Pups are allowed here 8-)

After parking, head uphill towards the gate. Go around it and walk on the wide dirt road/trail. At this time we did not find any blazes, (7/2/10-update, this is now a well marked , red blazed loop trail that was completed as an Eagle Scout project. Be sure to stay on the trail please.) but the way is well-worn and easy to follow.
You will quickly pass under a set of power lines.
Keep going along the road.
You will walk downhill a bit and then come to a newly cleared trail on the right. There are some Cedar poles along the way to mark this new trail.
You will pass over a "modified" stone wall and come out to a big field.
Stay to the right and continue along the edge of the field.
When you are about to leave the field and go under a second set of power lines, STOP!
Look to your right and see a good size Cedar tree near a stone wall.
From that tree, walk along the stone wall in the direction you came from to the next tree.
At the base of that tree, in a rock "cave", you will find the special Brede Abbey letterbox by Dale End Farm of MA.

Please recover well with the trapdoor rock and retrace your steps back to your vehicle, OR as of 7/2/10, you can now continue on the loop trail to bring you back to your car.

I hope you get a chance to find all of these.
