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West Rutland Marsh Boardwalk LbNA #56198

Plant date:Oct 24, 2010
Location: Marsh Boardwalk
City:West Rutland
Planted by:Rain E Day
Found by: Bellyrot
Last found:Jul 30, 2018
Last edited:Oct 24, 2010
Terrain: Easy

This Letterbox can be found at The West Rutland Marsh Boardwalk. This is a beautiful natural habitat for birds and other wildlife. Built in 2002 as a handicapped accessible path into the Marsh, the Boardwalk brings people into the heart of the Marsh for a peaceful, reflective place to view many birds. Many species of birds such as, the Least Bittern, the Virginia Rail, Swamp Sparrows, the Soras, the Red-Winged Blackbird and as many as 130 others feed and nest there.. Birders from all over the world come here. Birder’s World Magazine listed the Marsh in 2008 as one of the birding hotspots in the United States. Each season the Marsh has its special attractions.

From Route 4, take Exit 6 (Proctor/W. Rutland) then take Route 4A west into West Rutland. At the flashing red light at the intersection of US Business Route 4 (Main Street) and Marble Street at the town hall in West Rutland bear right onto Marble St.(north) for 1.4 miles. Look for a small parking area on the left with a sign "West Rutland Marsh Boardwalk. On the left of the parking lot is a picket fence surrounding an apple tree, while facing the tree go to right corner of the fence and walk around that corner along the backside of the fence, on the back of the third fence post you will find a wooden box in which is hidden the “West Rutland Marsh Boardwalk” letterbox.
Please enjoy and replace carefully for the next Letterboxer.
Good Luck and take a moment on the Boardwalk.