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Lincoln Highway: Little Trees LbNA #57003

Owner:Hart x6 Contact
Plant date:Feb 15, 2010
City:Dewitt, IA
Found by: joyfinder
Last found:Mar 14, 2011
Last edited:Feb 15, 2010
We went with our small group to Comedy Sportz a couple weeks ago and in one skit one of the guys impersinated Flava Flav. He kept saying "Flava Flav come and eat my chicken, it's flavalicious."

Afterwards I found out that Flava Flav was going to open a new restaurant in CLINTON, IA!! Why Clinton? Definately didn't see that one coming!!

Flava Flavs Fried Chicken -- FFFC.

To show off his brilliance he opened it right next door to a KFC! I just laugh at the whole notion.

Some friends of mine tried to get in on opening night. Check out their [ blog]

And now it's your turn -- they don't take credit cards as of Feb 15, 2011 so I couldn't try the Flavalicious Food :-(

I don't like KFC so I tried the Pizzaria next door, around back there is an old beat up and rusty generator (I think) right above the word "Homart" is a hide-a-key with no logbook.

I hope you get to enjoy FFFC, and if you do, please tell me how it is!!