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The Seven Anchors of Swan Point Cemetery LbNA #60334 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Dec 27, 2011
Location: Swan Point Cemetery
State:Rhode Island
Planted by:RIGUY42
Found by: TwoDobermans
Last found:May 29, 2012
Last edited:Dec 27, 2011
The Seven Anchors of Swan Point Cemetery

Over the course of these letterboxes two, you will find seven anchors. On the notepad in the second box, reveal the number of the anchors you’ve found. By the way – this box was placed by three sprightly young friends who just think the Victorian age should never have ended. These instructions are written in an archaic and often (quite frankly!) droll manner. We think you should converse in this modus as well. May luck be with you and enjoy your quest.

BOX 1 (Sensible)

Begin at 1847. Turn right at the intersection and proceed onto Memorial Drive. Next, follow the way of Evergreens. Digress from this road and approach a colossal monolith encircled by a morose collection of stone markers. Continue past it and turn left on a road that George Washington “cut down” honestly. Cross Birch and this street; you will see the anchor stone on your right. Keep going, cross Cherry and pass Segool. When you get to the grass, skim over it, carefully trying not to sully or muddy your stockings and pantaloons. Then pay your respects to one Master G. T. Swarts. Turn left and continue. Pick up your 20 units of novel American currency where you left it. (Don’t forget to pay your bills.) Turn at the urn.

Turn left at Tillinghast, across the grass, find the winged hourglass and continue past. Go to the hexagonal tower, walk away from “I sleep in Jesus.” (Because it is rather, dare we use the vulgarism, creepy…) Turn left at the four sarcophagi. Go to the gazebo, admire the view. Trip down the steps, say hello to Edward (If you see any vampires, they suck, kill them.) Pass the triplet Celtic crosses, take the right fork. Continue until you see the mausoleum of two Masters Butts and Smith. Proceed to the back of the spooky structure. Face away from the lilies and search amongst the rocks.

BOX 2 (Perplexing)

To find the next box of letters continue to read. Turn left after you encounter a statue as white as snow. Continue down that road on the upper fork. Too often this life, we’re forced to choose between our bosses and our kings. Take the dead’s advice – choose neither and rise above both of them. A centennial! a college! Turn right. Look to the left, you shall see a blue cross and anchor. Go there. Follow the way indicated by the elusive frond. The way Ihs clear. Continue straight on the road; remember to dispose of your rubbish in proper receptacle. Just when you think you’ve hit a brick wall, turn right. Take the central route.

(Side memorandum: You’ll see something rather creepy now. Cross the grass to the right and go up to the old mausoleum. Looking through its archway, you shall see that there’s actually a doorbell build into it. Good lord, what sort of horrific happenings and nighttime mayhem are going on here?)

Find the nine pines and continue in the direction opposite Sawara. You’ll pass a broken column (memory of Rome’s glory lost, methinks?). Continue up a hill and over a ridge. There’s a small tombstone with only a dog’s last words inscribed on it. By this point, you might be tired, but don’t stop for a knapp. Start on the road facing away from Barnaby. Walk two-hundred and seventeen paces; keep to the right. When you reach your destination, turn right and walk 14 more paces, (or to the stump). The second, and indeed final, box is concealed in the wall. If you find it, congratulations. If not – for shame, ragamuffin!