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Owner:Trail Head Tess Contact Inactive
Plant date:Jul 22, 2016
Location: 4505 Broadway
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jul 27, 2016
This is one of my favorite haunts inside the cemetery. Arrive from the main gate (nearest the funeral parlor) and follow to the right around the curve (your "heart" is on the left). Follow until you come to a curvy "Y" where "Olsen" lies and take the right fork. Follow a short ways until the path again meets another and turn left towards the flagpole in the distance and closer to you on the right lies "Ross". Continue pass the flagpole and down a ways on your left will see bright colored flowers that surround Everett's "Firefighter's Memorial", a tribute remembering a tragic occurrence that occurred on October 29 1923 killing 3 fireman. Stop and pay your respects. Continue down the road until your path meets another and turn left. Go straight until you come to the path on your right. Turn right and you should pass "King and Nelson" and as the path continues find where "Gilmore" rests. Stop.
Now take the walking path towards the west to it's end.Turn left. Find the tree with the "V" (a cement slab marks the spot)! Hidden in the fluff is your treasure. Now for a view, turn around and walk to the hills edge and look down.

Hike length: 0.5 miles