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Featherless & Wordsworth LbNA #71026 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 25, 2017
Location: Valley Forge Freedom Foundation
City:Valley Forge
Found by: Riversol (2)
Last found:Oct 12, 2017
Last edited:Mar 26, 2017
I lost it! The last one! They're finally all gone...

I was flying near the Altar of Battle and saw a great man pointing up at me.
I landed. California. The closest land to my home.
I hopped down the hill past Eugene; a great birch tree to my left.
Between Nelson and Mr. Zion I perched upon a fallen log. My last feather must've fallen into the leaves.
A word to the wise- be careful among the brambles or you'll scratch one of your feathers off too!

Finally...nothing but words..

I took off. Down the rest of the hill along the trees, up another, following the road.
After awhile I followed the road forking left after New Mexico... then I saw it. Hawaii. Home.
I ducked under the green tree to the right of the monument.
Maybe 15 feet into the woods I found a tree with what looked like a fence post at its base. A good place to nest.

Hike length: 0.5 miles