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I Can Dance - Acton Public Library LbNA #71042

Owner:Earth Energy and Tracycle
Plant date:Mar 30, 2017
Location: 60 Old Boston Post Road
City:Old Saybrook
Found by: quiltjoy
Last found:Oct 3, 2018
Last edited:Mar 31, 2017
As a wee tadpole Rana knew she was different
She always strived to be magnificent
When she tried to eat a different food
The others all scoffed at her "peculiar mood."
Now the Pond Monarch of the Frogs called her near
And asked her what it was that she held dear
Rana whispered "I wish to dance, but the others all laugh"
Croaked the Monarch "I tell you this on your behalf-
'Tis better to dance poorly on the dance floor
Than to go thru life wishing you had danced more."

Notice at the Library's Main Entrance
Sculpture of our State Insect- the Praying Mantis
Reading "Lord of the Flies" at a glance
Bravo to the local artist on this wonderful metal "Dance".

Proceed to Adult Circulation Desk inside
Here ask for the letterbox, where Rana does dance and reside

Hike length: 0.1 miles