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Fly Away Fern LbNA #71260

Plant date:Jun 26, 2016
Location: Ragged Mountain Preserve
Found by: burning feet
Last found:Apr 28, 2020
Last edited:May 5, 2017
If you’re looking to get a quick box in a beautiful place, then look no further!

There is no parking lot here, so just park your car on the side of Wigwam Rd in Berlin. Take the red and blue blazed trail that heads off to the right.

After about a minute of walking, the trail will widen and the left half of the trail becomes a rocky island. When you reach the end of that island, take 10 steps and stop. If you look to your right you will see a small tree that has snapped in half. Just beyond that is a moss-covered rock.

Behind that rock is a flat door surrounded by leaves. Open the door to find the box!

You’re not far off the trail, so make sure no one sees you.

*Hint* If you reach the tree that has fallen across the path, you have gone too far.

Hike length: 0.5 miles