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Troop 830 in the Park LbNA #71261

Plant date:May 3, 2017
Location: A ";Mary"; park
City:St. Charles
Planted by:Katalily
Found by: WanderLust7890
Last found:Jun 4, 2017
Last edited:May 5, 2017
Go to the MOUNT where everyone's MARY.
Get ready to seek the treasure we've buried!

Leave the area with all the cars and head out to
the stripes and stars.

No time to play or sit and sigh the stars and stripes
are waving high.

Once you're there you won't find the king's horses or the king's men
but you will see the one who could not be put back together again.

Walk to his back and to the left you will go.
Walk past the dice, you are on a roll!

Pass a frog that does not sing.
Hop along to an orange thing.

The road keeps going and so will you
watch out for all the goose poo!

When the road turns to bricks
leave the path and find a pile of sticks.

Here you'll find a circle of trees
take a rest and enjoy the breeze.

On your right the river you will see
look behind you at the v-shaped tree.

Behind that tree, use your eyes
at the bottom the treasure lies!