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GO and Build a Better World! - College/University LbNA #71445

Plant date:Jun 3, 2017
Location: Gettysburg College
Planted by:GOAdamsKids
Found by: orangeblssm1976
Last found:Jul 26, 2017
Last edited:May 30, 2017
This letterbox is part of the GO and Build a Better World! program in Adams County. It will be available from June 3, 2017 to July 29, 2017. Further details about the program may be found at

The GO and Build a Better World! program requires you to search for up to 15 “landmarks” – wooden posts with engraved plates on them, instead of a traditional letterbox and stamp. Please use a colored pencil or crayon to carefully rub the impression onto your GO and Build a Better World! rubbing sheet, available for free at any Adams County Library.

This letterbox is located on the Gettysburg College campus and may be accessed from the paved Constitution Avenue parking lot. GO Adams! level of difficulty = Easy

- As you pull into the parking area, notice the call box with a blue light on top. This is your starting point.
- Walk from the call box to the main road. Turn right and follow the sidewalk as it crosses a few driveways.
- When you reach the crosswalk, carefully cross the road and follow the sidewalk to the left. The sidewalk will turn into a path that passes a campus map.
- After passing the white building, turn right on the cement walkway. In front of this building, you will notice a brick area and another cement walkway to the left. Follow this walkway to the lamppost in the center.
- Locate the plaque with “1912” on it and walk on this walkway. When you reach the steep steps, turn right and carefully walk around the building.
- As you walk around on the paved driveway, you will notice more cement walkways ahead. Follow the cement pathway in front of the same building around which you are walking.
- After passing another set of steep steps, turn left and the post should be nearby in this shaded area.
- From the post, locate the metal garbage cans nearby and follow this path toward a fire hydrant in the distance.
- The path will split when you reach the hydrant. Take a slight right – 1pm on a clock – and remain on this walkway as it passes a metal sculpture on your left.
- When you reach the main road, carefully cross it again, turn left on the sidewalk, and then right after passing the volleyball courts. You should be back at the parking lot.

Hike length: 1 mile