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If you can’t take the HEAT.... LbNA #72418

Owner:shooting starz
Plant date:Oct 3, 2017
Found by: shooting starz
Last found:Jan 30, 2019
Last edited:Jan 31, 2019
**** re-planted 1/30/19 new stamp and minor clue change****
Also markers would be helpful : )

...get out of the kitchen ....or move back to WISCONSIN!!!! Almost 30 Years ago, in a fit of heat exhaustion I decided to move back “home” to WI. While I loved my job and had made some great friends, I guess just couldn’t “take the heat”! Some of my best lessons learned were “never cross an asphalt parking lot in summer your bare feet to get your mail” and “you really should own a car with air conditioning when you live in Phoenix- especially on the hottest record day at 122 degrees (June 26,1990)!!!! One of the things I now regret about my time in AZ is that I never had the chance to hike the mountain I saw everyday as I headed into work - life in the “heat” of a resort kitchen did not leave much time for hiking. So after all these years I’m back to hike up that mountain as long as I can take the “heat”!

After passing my former “Pointe” of employment on E. Baseline Rd., I turned onto S. 46th St and headed over to the Beverly Canyon Trailhead parking lot. From the East side of the parking lot I headed up the Beverly Canyon Trail. I came to an intersection near tower 93 and headed left to continue on the BC trail, following past the residences, ignoring any side paths. At the next marked post (BC0.28) I turned left and headed down the path curving right, passing another trail marker. Continuing on the straight away past the hum of tower 95 until I came to another trail marker at a Y intersection- at this “pointe” I was happy I had brought my hiking stick and wore my hiking boots- I went Left and started UP the hill all the way to the top to tower 96. Enjoying the view- I thought maybe I could see the resort I worked at off in the Northeast. I decided I needed to go up a little higher - here there was an unmarked brown post and another Y - going Left again seemed like a good choice- so under and between the tower I went- at another Y of sorts I continued left again until I reached what appeared to be a T with another unmarked trail post. Looking around again at a nice view- I thought I might get an even BETTER view if I headed Right. Just a short ways up I reached what I will call a small “summit”. Stopping here I could really take in the view - I also realized it was getting hotter and a drink of water was a good idea - and probably time to start thinking about heading back. But before I turned around, from the summit I spotted a lone almost 4 armed Saguaro at approx. 215 degrees. I followed the trail and stopped when I was in line with it. Then from there I took 50 more steps down the trail to a “native” (I think it was a Palo Verdi - but don’t hold me to it- I’m not a native!) surrounded by many rocks on the left side of the trail. There is a LARGE ROCK in front of this tree standing perpendicular to the trail. Just behind it is a medium size rock that is more parallel to the trail- tucked behind and a bit underneath this rock you will find what I left behind, and a “bonus treat” (to commemorate my former life here). The shade of the tree is a nice spot to stamp in but PLEASE recover as you found it with rocks and use a bit of stealth since this is a well traveled trail. I am hoping the road runner we saw right by the spot will bring it some good luck!

I headed back the way I came back to the parking area- but I’m sure you could explore more of the trails if you wished- they looked beautiful! I was just happy to finally get to do some hiking in Phoenix after all these years!

Hope you enjoyed the *hike- box updates always appreciated- Happy Trails!

*This Hike may take you less time or longer depending on hiking speed, but expect at least one rocky hill climb!

Hike length: 1-2 miles