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To Coffee Beans LbNA #72707

Owner:Atom 118
Plant date:May 14, 2017
Found by: Atom 118 (2)
Last found:Mar 11, 2018
Last edited:Mar 12, 2018
To celebrate mother’s day and our anniversary, Nature Scout (a little bean) and Atom118 planted a pair of boxes in honor of Coffee Beans. On mother’s day, we surprised Coffee Beans with clues, and then found the boxes as family. We might remove these boxes at the end of the summer, so consider them temporary until otherwise noted.

Begin your search in Glenview Woods across from the LOL upside-down. To find these stamps, first find the tree with a ball stuck in it, and then follow the pumpkin dot across. Continue straight with your feet along the tree lined stone walkway. As you go up the slight rise, pass a carcass and head south. At the crossing, turn right (west). Soon the trail will seem to split, stay to the left, and walk over the tree’s foot in the path. Near the top of the hill, there is a pair of trees with one missing its top and the other mostly dead. Don’t turn right and go through the cut log, but instead continue 10 steps to another split in the trail. Now, stay right and soon you will step over a log in the path. At the junction, go left (south), and stop where the tree crosses the trail (~75 steps). Look to the SW to a second log, and investigate where the log crosses a large branch to find, “The Face of Love.” This box was designed by Nature Scout.

After checking out Nature Scout’s work, continue along the trail until it splits near a small stream. Do not cross the log bridge, but instead, turn to the left (north). At the bottom of the hill, standing in the middle of a small stream, look to 150-155 degrees. Finally, take 30 steps the charred remains of a stump, and look inside to find an anniversary gift from Atom118 celebrating our flexibility as a team.

To get home, continue over one more small stream, and turn right at the intersection. (You are now retracing steps.) At the next crossing, go straight (east) along the dirt trail. Figure out how to do it, and then follow the gravel north back to where you started.

Hike length: 1-2 miles