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Lucky Dog LbNA #73120

Owner:Everyone Outside
Plant date:Jun 26, 2018
Location: Levi Coe Library
Found by: toolie bird
Last found:Apr 23, 2024
Last edited:Jul 10, 2018
Helpful hint: You can manage this letterbox with out a compass if you know roughly which direction is north. The Levi Coe Library is not oriented to the compass directions… so it requires a bit of extra thinking. For abbreviations N=North, E=East, etc.

The stamp for this letterbox was the second stamp my daughter carved when she was only ~11 years old. It looks similar to our dog whose is named Lucky.

Walk around the outside of the Levi Coe Library until you find a green wooden door. From here go around the building clockwise until you find a large tank. What color was the tank painted? What is the middle letter in the color? Walk this direction to the top of the steps. From the top step notice a large grassy area to the east. You will go to this area once you find a stone bench. Go down the steps and find a garden with the head of a man known for his plays and poetry. Find the stone bench. Sit on the bench with your back to the statue of the head. Look roughly east and see a pile of rocks in the woods. One is really a block of cement painted white. Poison ivy between where you sit and this pile of rocks. The best way to get to this rock pile is to walk north-east from the statue into the grassy area beyond the last picnic bench. Find a little trail to the pile of rocks and look under and near the white cement block for this letterbox.

Hike length: 0.1 miles