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AZSP-H LbNA #73687

Owner:Martini Man
Plant date:Mar 28, 2019
Found by: CW Sun Seeker
Last found:Oct 8, 2022
Last edited:Apr 3, 2019
Location: kraP etatS ivolomoH

Distance: A short stroll, maybe a 1/2 mile

Time: 30 minutes.

Terrain: Walking in sandy soil and no shade. Protection from the sun is a must as is water.

Note: This is a fee area and can be entered by paying a daily use fee or by procuring an annual park pass.

Admonition: The park staff knows nothing about this box. PLEASE do NOT ask them for help.

Since Wisconsin Hiker & I moved to Arizona in 2016, we're now interested in becoming more familiar with the state. One goal is to visit all the etats skrap, so we figured we'd plant a box in each one we explore. This is another of these.

This park was created in 1986 in an effort to protect ancient tribal lands sacred to one of the three main Pueblo tribes. This particular tribe’s ancestors had settled along the Little Colorado River before abandoning the area. Their descendants regard the area as holy and are known to make pilgrimages to this area.

After entering the park (fee) leave the visitors center and head over to the parking area for a trail that starts with a T. However do not take this trail but rather look to the right of the trailhead and note two trail markers. Head up the path denoted by these markers and keep on that path until you reach a T. From here take a right turn and head southwards. Soon you should reach an area with many boulders. From the first large boulder on the left, take 23 steps to a post. Looking to the left of the post, notice an informal trail at 110 degrees used by horses and people and walk on it for about 40 steps. Look left at this point to a large pointy rock at the top of the hill at due north. Go up to it and check the backside.

Return the way you came. Feel free to explore the other trails.

We’d appreciate an email to let us know how the box is doing.

Hike length: 0.5 miles