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Lane Conservation Property LbNA #73835

Owner:Troop 82350
Plant date:Jun 5, 2019
Location: Lane Property @ Laprelot St.
Found by: Betsy @ The Summit
Last found:Jun 11, 2019
Last edited:Jun 10, 2019
This is a very easy letterbox to find. I hid it for my girlscout troop to introduce them to letterboxing.
1) Start at the flag pole, facing the Learning Center.
2) Walk toward the large tree, count your steps.
3) At tree, turn right and walk the same amount of steps that you counted on #2.
4) You should be at the hydrangea bushes. Turn left and follow the path.
5) Pass firepit & come to large tree with purple leaves planted in a circle of pavers with 3 flood lights.
6) Look under the large rocks to find the letterbox.

Hike length: 0.1 miles