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At Rest On A Hill LbNA #74002

Owner:Knotty Lady Contact
Plant date:Jul 22, 2018
Location: 2601 S Lewis Blvd, Sioux City, IA
City:Sioux City
Found by: The Clue Crew
Last found:Sep 12, 2023
Last edited:Aug 7, 2019
The Sergeant Floyd Monument, a 100-foot obelisk, marks the final resting-place of Sergeant Charles Floyd, Jr. the only member of the Corps of Discovery to die on the journey. Writing in his diary on July 31st, Floyd noted, "I am very sick and has ben for Sometime but have Recovered my health again." However, this quick recovery was followed by a turn for the worse. The night before his death, Clark remarked, "Serjeant Floyd is taken very bad all at once with a Biliose Chorlick we attempt to relieve him without success as yet, he gets worst and we are much alarmed at his Situation, all attention to him" (DeVoto 1997, 21). On August 20, 1804, Floyd passed away, most likely from peritonitis, caused by the inflammation or rupture of his appendix. He died from an illness that even the best doctors of the day could not have cured.

Once you get here park in the upper parking lot, near the monument, and walk on up and walk around to check it all out, including the flag. Take note that lights have been installed to illuminate the monument at night. Check out the base of the set of lights to the South of the monument. You can be seen from the parking lot while you are getting this box so be carful that you do not have any onlookers.

Hike length: 0.1 miles