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Buck Fund Dog Park LbNA #74986

Owner:The Bagges
Plant date:Sep 25, 2020
Location: Buck Fund Dog Park
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Sep 26, 2020
This box is part of an 8 box series in the parks of Emporia KS.

Pull into the gravel parking lot of Buck Fund Dog Park off of 24th Ave.

Park facing the fenced off dog park but do not enter the fenced off area.

Walk up to where the gates of the park are, turn left and walk north along the fence line.

There will be a short section of fence that runs west and at the end of that section there is a wire fence. Climb through the wire fence and continue walking north.

After about 65 paces there will be a tree about 100 feet to your left. Walk towards the tree.

At the base of the tree on the north side the box is located under a SPOR.