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Fish Out of Water @ Grass Pond LbNA #75202

Plant date:Nov 29, 2020
Location: Grass Pond Preserve Wilbur Hill Rd, Richmond, RI
State:Rhode Island
Found by: Nairon
Last found:Feb 18, 2021
Last edited:Nov 30, 2020
This is located at Grass Pond Preserve of Wilbur Hill Rd. in Richmond, RI. Take Rt3 to Rt112. Turn left just after the Richmond Plaza, onto Wilbur Hill Rd. Take road until the end (Don't turn left onto Small Pond Rd). Park at the sign for the preserve. We had planned to plant this box before we discovered Atlastquest and were pleased to discover that there is another box (Grass Pond #1) VERY close by, so if you are looking to find several, make sure to get those clues, too!

Hunting is allowed in this area. Remember to wear orange October- April

When we first found this nice trail, I wondered, "Where is the pond?" While there is a little swampy area at the beginning, there is no pond in sight. Apparently, the pond is down a different southerly trail. Hence, we decided to call this one "Fish Out of Water."

Head down the main trail until you reach the midriff-height boulder with rock structures adorning it. Take the yellow trail through the grassy woods. You will eventually come to a large rock outcropping on your right. Just beyond this, the path splits. There is a sign that notes this. Follow the yellow trail to the right up the first incline. You will then scale an even steeper incline before decending. At the sharp turn, you will see a rock wall. You are getting close!

Look for the tree that has fallen across the rock wall and has lodged itself in the three-trunked-tree across the other side of the wall. Stay on this side of the wall. Just below the tree is a piece of rock wall that has slid out of place. Look below this rock and you will find a "Fish Out of Water."

To head out: continue along the trail. It will bring you back out to the rock outcropping and back to the main trail. Head right at the midriff-height boulder and back to your car.

Hike length: 1-2 miles