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Girl Scout Combo LbNA #75506

Owner:Dunkirk Park
Plant date:May 10, 2021
Location: Dunkirk Park
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:May 12, 2021
Box #1-

You know, the strangest thing happened the other day. But first, a little history. I kind of live in Crofton, MD. Kind of. It's kind of complicated. But I wanted to drive down to see my Girl Scouts in San Dunkirk, MD, to spend the beautiful day learning about dinosaurs. And I decided that driving down Route 4 was the way to go--arguably one of the most splendid drives in the world.

So there I was, driving and singing along with Katie Perry in my car, minding my own business, and from around the baseball field at Dunkirk Park--and I'm not making this up--a gigantic Tyrannosaurus Rex jumped out. I immediately swerved into a ditch, narrowly missing his gigantic claws swooping by. If you've seen Jurassic Park, you can imagine how scary that was!

I immediately grabbed my letterboxing survival kit (what else can one do in such a precarious situation?) and started running for my life as T-Rex chased after another car driving down the park road.

But I wasn't out of the woods yet. In fact, I just entered them! I stopped to rest and catch my breath at a tree by the Pavilions . At least until I realized that it wasn't a tree I was leaning on, but rather the leg of a gigantic Brachiosaurus. His head arched up in anger, and while I knew this creature was a herbivore, I also knew I had little chance of surviving if he accidentally misplaced a step.

I ran further along Adventure Drive; filled with other creatures I could only imagine. The Brachiosaurus faded into the background, but a Diatryma soon started chasing me. I didn't stop until I reached Home Base, where I stumbled.

I got up and ducked behind the dugout and sank to my knees, immediately trying to catch my breath. I decided to make my mark before something ate me.

I could hear a Stegosaurus howling deeper in the forest, and I thought it might be a good idea to leave--with or without kit. I stood up and stashed it up high so it wouldn’t get stomped on. I continued running, passing by gigantic turtles and lizards. Triceratops and Pterodactyls. I ran and ran until I reached a road. It was Route 4 again. While T-Rex was menacing a poor family playing baseball, I waved down a trucker who offered me a ride out of this prehistoric time trap.

Box #2
One of my favorite things
Is to run around the park
If I am unhappy
Then you might hear me bark

Hike length: 1 mile