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The Green Rose Labyrinth (Gone for good...) LbNA #8982 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 2, 2004
County:Anne Arundel
Planted by:Woodwoses
Found by: PWalker
Last found:Sep 21, 2004
Last edited:Jul 2, 2004
(Permanently gone. The Labyrinth is gone and the site has been transformed. It was a good box and a good Labyrinth. We will miss it.)

Difficulty rating of 1/Terrain rating of 2.25
Short woodland trail with some steps.

Heading north, away from Annapolis, on 178/Generals Hwy, just passed the intersection of Crownsville Rd and Generals Hwy, take your 1st right into the parking lot and ......
There lies a land of swirling flowers and orbiting satellites. So come “Fellow Travelers” and leave your vehicle behind, perhaps you’ll sup and dine. And then pass beneath the wicker arch into the Garden of verdant twisting delights. There you will find peace of mind and the first turning path. Take moment, learn to feel,
stretch your legs on the Baltic Wheel.
Now again beneath a second arch, meander along, a stroll not a march. At the entrance pause and still your thoughts, read some history of the paths, yes, there’s lots. And then with a ring of the bell, set off down the turning trail. Take not the shortcut to the central fire, rather the long and winding way shall lead you to
your desires. Enjoy the walk, to pass an hour, and if they are blooming, take time to smell the flowers. Have faith and indeed continue on, pass either side of the “Hugging Tree” and then beyond. Be not dismayed by the image of your own demise, “reflect” for a moment on how time flies. Now just along and around the bend, over the bridge and there my friend, you will find beneath the canopy of
emerald roses, and contained in a place of easy supposes, the object of your quest. Sit for a while and read, stamp away and then proceed along the unicursal path, filled with the all encompassing sacred math. Turn some more, and then you shall come, to the heart, the hearth, and the sum. Stay here for a spell, reflect and breath and make yourself well. So to please, leave your worries to fly in the breeze. And then if you find that time will allow, retrace your steps and focus on the now.
Thank you for your time my friend, and perhaps one day you shall come and circle round again.
Much Peace,
“The Road goes ever on...’
The Woodwoses