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Zab Memorial (removed for cleaning) LbNA #9325 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 11, 2004
State:Rhode Island
Planted by:Draco & Dandy
Found by: JAMO
Last found:Oct 15, 2006
Last edited:Jul 11, 2004
This box has been removed for cleaning!
We will also write updated clues.

Dandy and Draco’s first letterbox.

The Zab Memorial Letterbox (1992-2004)

Less than 1 mile round trip

Moderate; Wooded uneven ground, rocky slopes and great veiws.
This letterbox is not wheelchair or stroller friendly. Bring bug spray if the time of year calls for it.

Lincoln Woods is located in Lincoln, RI, off Great Road or the Twin River Road exit off of Route 146.

Zab was our dog, he loved to go hiking in Lincoln Woods. For years every time I went near the front door, there he was looking at me with the, “Are we going, are we going?” type look. I made sure the back seat was covered and off we would go. Zab loved the water. It could be a half dried up puddle or the lake. His wet muddy foot prints could be found everywhere! He always managed to move the cover off the back seat before getting in; leaving his mark in my car.

Zab died this past January, 2004, and is missed deeply. I refused to go back to Lincoln Woods because it felt so wrong without him. My daughter and I letterbox, so she suggested we make a memorial letterbox for Zab and hide it by the lily pond, his favorite wet spot! I now feel like I can go there, if only to check on the box, and he will be with me once more.

Enter the park and travel around the roadway until you come to the dead-end lane. The dead end is located just before the park exit/entrance on the right, but the main road is oneway, so you must drive around the lake and just before you reach the exit/entrance the lane bears right. Go all the way to the end and park near picnic site #36. The round site has a fire pit to one side with a path directly behind it, traveling east. Take this path. The path changes slowly from wide and flat to rocky and steep, follow the path to the southeast down a slope. The path curves to the left, ands then to the right. The path you want continues straight (but make sure you climb up to the top on the right and admire the veiw of the lilly pads). Continuing back on the path, walk along the stone wall beneath your feet till you come to "T" in the path. Turn right and stop where the fallen tree acrosses the path. There is a large pile of braches and a rock on the right by your feet. Standing on the path side of the rock with the fallen tree on your left… Look under the left (west) side of the rock. Zab’s muddy footprints are covered by some branches and a smaller rock.

People tend to frequent through here please rehide carefully.

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