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Mount Gilboa LbNA #9726 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 1, 2004
Planted by:Ace + Lox
Found by: AutomatedTeller
Last found:Jan 18, 2008
Last edited:Aug 1, 2004
11/16/2008 -- NOTE: We've temporarily removed this box. Because of an injury, we haven't been able to get out to our boxes this year. We hope to maintain them in the spring. -- Ace + Lox

LOCATION: A small parking area for Mount Gilboa Conservation Land is located on Park Place in Arlington, MA. For directions, go to and where it asks for Address or Intersection, type "Park Place & Crescent Hill Ave."

WALK INFO: 20 minute walk, but longer with clues and views

STAMP: Hand drawn & carved

BRING: Pen & paper for recording clues

INFORMATION: The Arlington Conservation Commission oversees the wooded 10-acre Mt. Gilboa area in northwest Arlington. Relatively secluded when leaves are on the trees, extra care is advisable in winter, when the hiding place is more exposed to the surrounding neighborhood.

From the parking area, walk back down Park Place, past the drive for 1 Gilboa Rd, to the wooden kiosk that marks the trail. Standing at the trailhead, look around. The mason must have been a baseball fan. Record the shape in center field. Proceed on trail. When it divides, take the middle route. At the fork, stay to the left (but go check out the views on the right if you’d like).

At the next place where several trails meet, you will come to a 3-trunked tree. Stand on the flat rock facing this tree. The left trunk points to an uphill trail that you’ll be taking soon. The middle trunk points to where you’ve just been. The right trunk points towards a clearing that holds your next clue.

Walk all the way down to the edge of that clearing and find the goose. Record the number of white feathers on its left wing as clue "A." Return to the uphill trail that you saw from the tree, and head for the top. There, you’ll reach an intersection.

Before going straight, detour to the right to search for another clue. Record the green, even digit as clue "B." Return to the trail and turn right to continue on your way.

The trail veers left, then forks left onto a flat boulder. On this rock, stand at the shape from center field. Using the boulder as a clockface, if the 2-trunked tree is "B," find the box at "A."

To get back, hop off the boulder the way you came. Take the first left, then the first left again to the road.

If you would like to contact us please email us at – Enjoy!