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MKT Choo-Choo LbNA #33913 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 8, 2007
Planted by:monarchtrailer Contact Inactive
Found by: Travelin' Ts
Last found:Sep 1, 2007
Last edited:Aug 8, 2007
MKT (Katy) Depot

The railroad arrived in Hillsboro in 1881. In 1888 the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas of Texas (the Cotton Belt) arrived in Hillsboro. By 1890 Hillsboro had a population of 2,000, six churches, a new courthouse, three banks, a cotton compress, several cotton gins, a flour mill, stores, an opera house, and two weekly newspapers, the Mirror and the Reflector. The railroad shipped livestock, grain, wool, and cotton. The daily mail stage to Whitney also took passengers for a one-dollar fare. By 1900 the population was 5,000, and in 1903 the Trinity and Brazos Valley Railway began serving the town. The MKT (Katy) Depot serves as the office of the Hillsboro Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau, as well as the Visitors Center. The depot was restored and moved to its present location, just off the historic courthouse square in downtown Hillsboro.
Filled with railroad artifacts and railroad pictures, the depot is a beautiful example of restoration at its best. For more information, 254-582-2481 or e-mail

To the Letterbox:

From the Hill County Courthouse in downtown Hillsboro, go north one block to 115 North Covington Street where you will find the MKT "Katy" Depot. The Depot is now the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce. Read the historical marker on the front side of the Depot and go inside and check out the memorabilia collection if you have time. Next to north side of the depot is an alley. You can drive into the alley and park at the back of the depot. On the northwest corner of the depot's lawn you will see two crepe myrtle trees. If you reach into the center of the western most crepe myrtle tree, the MKT Choo-Choo will be waiting for thee.