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Cajon Summit LbNA #19721

Owner:Lee & Nancy Contact
Plant date:Dec 18, 2005
City:Oak Hills
County:San Bernardino
Found by: JoySong (2)
Last found:Feb 21, 2022
Last edited:Oct 29, 2021
Clue image
UPDATED 10/28/2021 - Replace both boxes in new locations and updated clues. Stamps are same images but smaller size.

Box 1. Water Tower (camouflaged cell tower)
Exit I-15 at the top of Cajon Summit at Oak Hills Road and head south on the East side of the Freeway along the frontage road. As you pass the Windmill on your right, (destroyed in 2016 fire - see attached image) count the number of blades (WMB); and after you pass the water tower, look back and note the number of letters (WTL) written on the tower’s tank. Proceed along this road as it turns to dirt and jogs left, toward some other water tanks, and park in the turn out to your right.(.4 mile from Water Tank. After enjoying the view, take the hilly trail ((WMB-WTL)*27/2) degrees, (WMB*11-WTL) steps to the small peak. From the peak go ((WMB-WTL)*WTL) degrees, (WMB*2) steps to a burnt bush. Rock at back base.

Box 2. Windmill
Return to the road and turn right continuing in the same direction .2 miles, until you get to large turnout on your left, just before the road begins a steep decline. Park there and walk to small sign post in NE corner of lot. Go to the large bush between you and the distant water tower. Next go ((WMB-WTL)*21) degrees, (WTL*3/2) steps to rock at base of smaller bush.

Note: This dirt road area may require an Adventure Pass - although I did not see it posted. Probably could be avoided if you park at the end of the paved road and hike in from there. About 1 mile round trip.