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Livin' Large in Dallas (MIA) LbNA #11276 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Sep 29, 2004
Planted by:raindear
Found by: catpawz2004
Last found:Oct 17, 2004
Last edited:Sep 29, 2004
Please note:
The hiding place for this box was reportedly destroyed when the steps of the school were replaced.
Several of us are working on a very exciting replacement to be located somewhere within Old City Park.
Please check the master site for news.

I live near Philadelphia. But my work brings me to Texas about once per month for a couple of days. As an avid letterboxer, I obviously checked the national list to see what was available to find in and around Dallas. Not much!
I felt bad for you locals, so I decided to plant a couple for you. Not knowing the area very well, I didn’t really know what would be a good image to start with. I wound up on the Dallas Visitor’s Bureau website and decided to carve the city logo. Not very inspired, but at least it was something.
I didn’t really know where to plant this thing, so I talked to some of my work colleagues. I wanted it to be in downtown Dallas but don’t really know the area very well. I saw the Old City Park area listed on a map and they all said, that would be a great place.

So after finding the Shawnee Trail box (first finder by the way) I made my way over to this living history museum. It was 8:00PM on September 29. The sun had set an hour earlier and the sign said the park had closed 4 hours ago. But the gate was open!
I parked across the street from the main entrance and walked right in. I passed an older couple walking out. They had on badges and were obviously staff of some sort. I figured they would stop me, question me and throw me out. After exchanging “Good evenings” I went in, unmolested.

I wandered around for 20 minutes and found myself in front of the Renner School. It has a very nice wooden front porch and if you sit on the left hand side of the first step, your butt will be over my box.

You will need to be extremely discreet to extract and replace this unseen.
Please let me know if you find it. Have fun!
Raindear of Harleysville, PA.