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Birds of Tahoe #2 LbNA #12225

Plant date:Nov 18, 2004
City:Zephyr Cove
Planted by:artTrekker Contact Inactive
Found by: JoySong
Last found:Jun 14, 2021
Last edited:Nov 18, 2004
This site is about 7 miles south of Birds of Tahoe #1 and about a mile north of a tunnel. It is almost a drive-by, but the cranky placer made it so you have to pay attention (maybe take notes!) and walk around a little to get the box.

The name of the place you're headed is four words, which can be found by answering the following trivia questions:

1. 1976 sci-fi movie starring Michael York and Jenny Agutter (who???):
_ _ _ _ _'s Run

2. A shallow place in a body of water; a sand bank or sand bar, pl.:
_ _ _ _ _ _

3. The Spanish word for view: _ _ _ _ _

4. Harry Nilsson's classic pop fable album: The _ _ _ _ _

The first interpretive sign gives many facts about Lake Tahoe. Subtract the number of inches deep the Lake's water would cover all of California from how many streams flow into it and walk this number of steps to peek at De'ek Wadapush. Just beyond is a place from which to view the peaks of Tahoe. Add the number of peaks to the number of feet lower than Carson City the Lake's bottom is and walk this number of steps to Comstock. Subtract the number of trillions of gallons of water in the Lake from how many feet deep the clarity is, and backtrack this number of long steps to a little path NE off the main trail. Pass behind signposts and walk 10 steps (I'll give you one!) and turn left. Pass through a space between two boulders to the center of a rough circle of boulders. At 40 a stump keeps company with a natural granite wall. Beyond the stump, tucked into the wall is the box. Please re-hide well!