Scouting Around the World LbNA #15125
Owner: | N/A |
Plant date: | Jun 14, 2005 |
Location: | |
City: | Camas |
County: | Clark |
State: | Washington |
Boxes: | 12 |
Series Planted: June 14, 2005 during a Troop Hike
Clues Posted: June 20, 2005
Clues UPDATED: Arpil 21, 2006
Hike Length: 2 miles round trip.
Hand Carved Stamps: YES, by 9 and 10 year old girls.
Hitch Hiker Friendly: Only if the HH is "small"!
Pet Friendly: YES
Wheel Chair Access: NO
Troop Hike and Find Time: Roughly 2 Hours! Plan enough time for this activity.
Girl Scout Troop 2199 would like to invite you to try out a great hobby called LETTERBOXING! We've planted a series of 12 letterboxes (1 to represent each girl in our troop and 1 to represent the leaders) at Lacamas Lake Park at 2700 SE Everett Road in Camas, WA. Lacamas Park is a 325-acre preserve that is a beautiful mixture of woods; waterfalls; a beautiful lake; a wide assortment of birds; and gorgeous wild flowers – not to mention some very well cared for hiking trails.
The Girl Scouting is a world-wide activity. The parent organization - WAGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouting) is broken up into five different regions. Each region is represented in this series. We've included a little bit about Girl Scouting around the world in each clue.
Walk down the main trail past the playground and restrooms. You will note water on both sides of you. Continue walking to the debris cage and dam. Many times there are folks fishing in this area so be respectful and quiet. After crossing over the dam stay on the main gravel trail.
NOW onto the hunt:
BOX 1 - MISSING (Confirmed on 8/12/05 by placer)
Girl Scouts BOTSWANA LETTERBOX (Africa Region)
Placed by: ROSE
INFO: The country of BOTSWANA is part of the African Region. Throughout Africa, The drum is the basic musical instrument and it plays an important role in community life. Drums are also used as a means of communication. This is a significant symbol in a region where distances between countries are great, and travel costs are high.
BOTSWANA - Girl Scouting established in 1924.
At the park bench veer right. Continue walking and looking to your right for a mossy, decaying, very large stump. Turn 90 degrees to your right and in the lower part of the stumpm hidden in a hole, behind some bark you'll find BOTSWANA.
BOX 2 - MISSING (confirmed by placer 4/21/06)
Girl Scouts HONG KONG LETTERBOX (Asia/Pacific Region)
Placed by: FRIZZ
INFO: Girl Guides Association is one of the uniformed groups in HONG KONG and is also the largest female organization in the territory. They have a membership of more than 40,000 of which most of them are girls and young women. Their mission is to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.
HONG KONG - Girl Scouting established in 1916.
Continue walking down the gravel trail. Be sure to keep the "8" on your left and continue walking. You should notice on your left side a very large cedar tree which has it's octopus feet buried in the ground. Head NW and take a peek at the bottom of the tree. Behind some needles and a piece of wood you'll find HONG KONG.
BOX 3 - MISSING (Confirmed on 8/12/05 by placer)
Girl Scouts BAHRAIN LETTERBOX (Arab Region)
Placed by: BUGGZY
INFO: Girl Guides om BAHRAIN help to organize an annual traffic week, offer help in hospitals and nurseries, visit the elderly and disabled and hold a weekly entertainment for orphans. For three years the Association has participated in a programme concerned with the health of teenagers, including reproductive health, and takes part in seminars to discourage smoking. BAHRAIN Scouting established in 1970.
Turn back around and continue on down the gravel trail heading east/southeast for approximately 50 leader paces. Then head East. Passing through the "twins" look for a place where there is a stump on your left and your right. You want the stump on your right. Facing the stump, on the right side is a hole. You'll need to move some bark in order to reach this letterbox.
BOX 4 - MISSING (reported by CampFireLady 10/30/05)
Girl Scouts BURUNDI LETTERBOX (Africa Region)
Placed by: MONKEY
INFO: Girl Guides in BURUNDI participate with Guides in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania which encouraged girls to promote an end to violence. They also worked on their own peace project, Bwange Project Seminar, with other women's organizations in Burundi. This project was based on an old Burundi tradition where a woman can disrupt a fight between two men with the word 'Bwange' which means 'Stop fighting.' The men must respect her word. BURUNDI Scouting established in 1954.
Continue walking down the gravel trail heading East. Uh Oh, which way? Right? Straight? Left? Go left. As you're walking can you see why Washington State is the Evergreen State? When you come to the mossy knob you'll want to stop because "X" marks the spot. Facing the "X" while standing next to the tree facing beautiful Round Lake you will find this letterbox at 105 degrees East.
Girl Scouts AUSTRALIA LETTERBOX (Asia Pacific Region)
Placed by: BUTTERFLY
INFO: The goal for AUSTRIALIA Girl Guides is to help girls and young women grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members. AUSTRALIA Scouting established in 1911.
Get back on the trail and continue on the gravel trail. Is the lake on your left? You're on the right track. At the log bench feel free to sit down and rest. There should be enough space for everyone. If not, there is another log bench on your right. To continue on your quest you will want to head towards lower falls. Continue walking through the valley of the ferns. Don't get "stumped" searching for AUSTRALIA. Where is it? When you see the leaning tree on your left look left and you will see a mass of broken stump material. How do you know you are right? To your left is a deciduous tree and to the right is an evergreen tree. Growing out of the place where the box is, is a small, leafy tree with orange berries on it (if you are in the right season). Find the tall, mossy green pole sticking straight up. You've found the hiding spot for AUSTRALIA.
BOX 6 RELOCATED!!!!! See new clues AFTER Box 11)
BOX 7 -
Girl Scouts ENGLAND LETTERBOX (Europe Region)
Placed by: GRAYWOLF
INFO: Guiding in ENGLAND is a game - with a purpose. It provides opportunities for girls and young women to be challenged by new adventures and experiences and achieve a sense of pride in accomplishment and teaches them to understand and learn about the world, its people and cultures.
ENGLAND Scounting established in 1909.
Continue walking West/Northwest. As you come around the bend you will notice another knee-high stump. This one is on your right and is covered by ferns. Move the ferns away and under some bark you'll find ENGLAND.
BOX 8 - (Thank You CampFireLady for replacing this box into the original hiding spot!!!)
Girl Scouts NORWAY LETTERBOX (Europe Region)
INFO: The Guide and Scout Association shall help its members become independent and responsible human beings by 1) Offering a training program that emphasizes outdoor life, social commitment, international understanding and experience of the scouting ideas. 2) Giving them responsibility and the feeling of being heard. 3) Helping them develop a Christian faith. NORWAY Scouting established in 1912.
When you get to the fork, stay left. After you've walked 43 leader paces you'll find another stump with a lot of "points". Take a peek inside where you'll find NORWAY.
Girl Scouts TUNISIA LETTERBOX (Arab Region)
Placed by: SOONAKI
INFO: TUNISIA's organization helps scouts and guides discover their abilities; habituate scouts and guides to self-reliance and responsibility; enable scouts and guides to strengthen his/her will power; enhance possibilities for self learning; teach scouts and guides to serve and be integrated in society.
TUNISIA scouting established in 1934.
CLUES: Continue walking West/Northwest down the trail. Be careful of the roots. This would be a great place to use your trail hazard marking guide to make sure no one gets hurt. On your left, look for natures trash can. Take a left, step over the leaner. Behind the cedar and under bark and needles rests TUNISIA. Get back on the trail and continue forward.
BOX 10
Girl Scouts CAMEROON LETTERBOX (Africa Region)
Placed by: CANDY
INFO: CAMEROON Scouting established in 1943.
Oops...time to make a U-turn and head back East down the gravel trail. Yes, you are on the right path even though you've already walked this direction. Keep the water on your left and hug the shoreline. Up ahead, it's a bird, it's a plane,'s a bathouse. Do you see it? At the blue sign, turn left and head towards the Camas Lily Loop. What are you looking for? When you find "10" turn right. Standing with the log fence on your left, you will find CAMEROON 135 degrees over your right shoulder. Don't get "stumped" on this one.
BOX 11 - REVISED CLUES for easier finding.
This box is confirmed NOT MISSING by placer!
ALIVE and WELL on 4/21/06
Girl Scouts SPAIN LETTERBOX (Europe Region)
Placed by: LADYBUG
INFO: Scouting in SPAIN an educational project that helps bringing up active, committed, sincere people. Where boys and girls take part in projects and activities, from a week-end trip to the discovery of a faraway country. All the year round, children and young people grow up together under the responsibility of their leaders, competent young people that have been largely trained.
SPAIN Scouting established in 1929.
Only a short ways to go....continue walking with the log fence on your left. From the end of the fence begin counting 22 leader paces. On your right , where the pine and its stumpy cousin rest you will find SPAIN but you must walk 7 leader paces off the trail. This box is in a stump, behind bark and under a rock!
BOX 6: (relocated clues below - you will find this box AFTER
Box 11 from this point forward) 4/21/06
Girl Scouts BRAZIL LETTERBOX (Western Hemisphere Region)
Placed by: TEATAT95
*note* This box was relocated for two reasons....first being the old location was far too vulnerable and second, the placer of this box is moving to Tennessee and will no longer be a part of the troop that placed this series - so a relocation seemed to be in order).
INFO: The Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil is an educational institution that enables children and young people of both sexes to be responsible world citizens. It carries out a complementary work alongside family and school education developing ethical values, as well as encouraging young people to take active and responsible participation on the community issues. BRAZIL Scouting established in 1919.
CLUES: Continue walking up hill. After you cross siz log rolls stay left on the main trail. The fence will be on your left side. Take the path at the first "Foot Traffic Only" sign on your right. You will come to a very steep hill - continue up. The trail will curve right at a very large needle bearing tree. STOP! Near the large tree is a boulder on your right. About 4 paces off the trail behind the boulder and under a flat rock lies BRAZIL.
BOX 12:
Girl Scouts USA LETTERBOX (Western Hemisphere Region)
(formerly Troop 2199 Letterbox)
Placed by: LILY and CRICKET
INFO: USA Girl Scouts help to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service that they may become happy and resourceful citizens.
USA Girl Scouts established in 1912.
After finding Box #6 you will continue walking the trail, around the tree and up a very steep, rocky terrain. At the "T", take a right and walk through the meadow, over many, many rocks. You will come to a point where the trail becomes rockier and steeper. This trail brings you back to the main trail where you will take a left. As a troop we liked this final stop best and that is why our Troop box is hidden here. We could all sit down and rest after hiding this box. When you arrive at the fallen log you will notice a rock ledge. Look carefully under the ledge and behind the rocks you'll find USA - TROOP 2199. REST and enjoy!
We do have one request.....IF you are a GIRL SCOUT TROOP and you search for these boxes as a troop - PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW EACH GIRL TO STAMP IN INDIVIDUALLY. Please make or buy one stamp that represents your troop and use that. However, we encourage each girl in your troop to use the box stamp to stamp into their own journal. By following that simple rule, other troops and letterboxing hobbiests will have a place to stamp into the logbook as well.
ENJOY! and Be sure to let us know about your adventure to SCOUTING AROUND THE WORLD!
IF you notice damage to a letterbox or if you suspect a letterbox is missing....PLEASE CONTACT THE PLACER IMMEDIATELY! The Troop worked very hard on this series and would like to ensure its integrity for years to come.
Clues Posted: June 20, 2005
Clues UPDATED: Arpil 21, 2006
Hike Length: 2 miles round trip.
Hand Carved Stamps: YES, by 9 and 10 year old girls.
Hitch Hiker Friendly: Only if the HH is "small"!
Pet Friendly: YES
Wheel Chair Access: NO
Troop Hike and Find Time: Roughly 2 Hours! Plan enough time for this activity.
Girl Scout Troop 2199 would like to invite you to try out a great hobby called LETTERBOXING! We've planted a series of 12 letterboxes (1 to represent each girl in our troop and 1 to represent the leaders) at Lacamas Lake Park at 2700 SE Everett Road in Camas, WA. Lacamas Park is a 325-acre preserve that is a beautiful mixture of woods; waterfalls; a beautiful lake; a wide assortment of birds; and gorgeous wild flowers – not to mention some very well cared for hiking trails.
The Girl Scouting is a world-wide activity. The parent organization - WAGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouting) is broken up into five different regions. Each region is represented in this series. We've included a little bit about Girl Scouting around the world in each clue.
Walk down the main trail past the playground and restrooms. You will note water on both sides of you. Continue walking to the debris cage and dam. Many times there are folks fishing in this area so be respectful and quiet. After crossing over the dam stay on the main gravel trail.
NOW onto the hunt:
BOX 1 - MISSING (Confirmed on 8/12/05 by placer)
Girl Scouts BOTSWANA LETTERBOX (Africa Region)
Placed by: ROSE
INFO: The country of BOTSWANA is part of the African Region. Throughout Africa, The drum is the basic musical instrument and it plays an important role in community life. Drums are also used as a means of communication. This is a significant symbol in a region where distances between countries are great, and travel costs are high.
BOTSWANA - Girl Scouting established in 1924.
At the park bench veer right. Continue walking and looking to your right for a mossy, decaying, very large stump. Turn 90 degrees to your right and in the lower part of the stumpm hidden in a hole, behind some bark you'll find BOTSWANA.
BOX 2 - MISSING (confirmed by placer 4/21/06)
Girl Scouts HONG KONG LETTERBOX (Asia/Pacific Region)
Placed by: FRIZZ
INFO: Girl Guides Association is one of the uniformed groups in HONG KONG and is also the largest female organization in the territory. They have a membership of more than 40,000 of which most of them are girls and young women. Their mission is to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.
HONG KONG - Girl Scouting established in 1916.
Continue walking down the gravel trail. Be sure to keep the "8" on your left and continue walking. You should notice on your left side a very large cedar tree which has it's octopus feet buried in the ground. Head NW and take a peek at the bottom of the tree. Behind some needles and a piece of wood you'll find HONG KONG.
BOX 3 - MISSING (Confirmed on 8/12/05 by placer)
Girl Scouts BAHRAIN LETTERBOX (Arab Region)
Placed by: BUGGZY
INFO: Girl Guides om BAHRAIN help to organize an annual traffic week, offer help in hospitals and nurseries, visit the elderly and disabled and hold a weekly entertainment for orphans. For three years the Association has participated in a programme concerned with the health of teenagers, including reproductive health, and takes part in seminars to discourage smoking. BAHRAIN Scouting established in 1970.
Turn back around and continue on down the gravel trail heading east/southeast for approximately 50 leader paces. Then head East. Passing through the "twins" look for a place where there is a stump on your left and your right. You want the stump on your right. Facing the stump, on the right side is a hole. You'll need to move some bark in order to reach this letterbox.
BOX 4 - MISSING (reported by CampFireLady 10/30/05)
Girl Scouts BURUNDI LETTERBOX (Africa Region)
Placed by: MONKEY
INFO: Girl Guides in BURUNDI participate with Guides in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania which encouraged girls to promote an end to violence. They also worked on their own peace project, Bwange Project Seminar, with other women's organizations in Burundi. This project was based on an old Burundi tradition where a woman can disrupt a fight between two men with the word 'Bwange' which means 'Stop fighting.' The men must respect her word. BURUNDI Scouting established in 1954.
Continue walking down the gravel trail heading East. Uh Oh, which way? Right? Straight? Left? Go left. As you're walking can you see why Washington State is the Evergreen State? When you come to the mossy knob you'll want to stop because "X" marks the spot. Facing the "X" while standing next to the tree facing beautiful Round Lake you will find this letterbox at 105 degrees East.
Girl Scouts AUSTRALIA LETTERBOX (Asia Pacific Region)
Placed by: BUTTERFLY
INFO: The goal for AUSTRIALIA Girl Guides is to help girls and young women grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members. AUSTRALIA Scouting established in 1911.
Get back on the trail and continue on the gravel trail. Is the lake on your left? You're on the right track. At the log bench feel free to sit down and rest. There should be enough space for everyone. If not, there is another log bench on your right. To continue on your quest you will want to head towards lower falls. Continue walking through the valley of the ferns. Don't get "stumped" searching for AUSTRALIA. Where is it? When you see the leaning tree on your left look left and you will see a mass of broken stump material. How do you know you are right? To your left is a deciduous tree and to the right is an evergreen tree. Growing out of the place where the box is, is a small, leafy tree with orange berries on it (if you are in the right season). Find the tall, mossy green pole sticking straight up. You've found the hiding spot for AUSTRALIA.
BOX 6 RELOCATED!!!!! See new clues AFTER Box 11)
BOX 7 -
Girl Scouts ENGLAND LETTERBOX (Europe Region)
Placed by: GRAYWOLF
INFO: Guiding in ENGLAND is a game - with a purpose. It provides opportunities for girls and young women to be challenged by new adventures and experiences and achieve a sense of pride in accomplishment and teaches them to understand and learn about the world, its people and cultures.
ENGLAND Scounting established in 1909.
Continue walking West/Northwest. As you come around the bend you will notice another knee-high stump. This one is on your right and is covered by ferns. Move the ferns away and under some bark you'll find ENGLAND.
BOX 8 - (Thank You CampFireLady for replacing this box into the original hiding spot!!!)
Girl Scouts NORWAY LETTERBOX (Europe Region)
INFO: The Guide and Scout Association shall help its members become independent and responsible human beings by 1) Offering a training program that emphasizes outdoor life, social commitment, international understanding and experience of the scouting ideas. 2) Giving them responsibility and the feeling of being heard. 3) Helping them develop a Christian faith. NORWAY Scouting established in 1912.
When you get to the fork, stay left. After you've walked 43 leader paces you'll find another stump with a lot of "points". Take a peek inside where you'll find NORWAY.
Girl Scouts TUNISIA LETTERBOX (Arab Region)
Placed by: SOONAKI
INFO: TUNISIA's organization helps scouts and guides discover their abilities; habituate scouts and guides to self-reliance and responsibility; enable scouts and guides to strengthen his/her will power; enhance possibilities for self learning; teach scouts and guides to serve and be integrated in society.
TUNISIA scouting established in 1934.
CLUES: Continue walking West/Northwest down the trail. Be careful of the roots. This would be a great place to use your trail hazard marking guide to make sure no one gets hurt. On your left, look for natures trash can. Take a left, step over the leaner. Behind the cedar and under bark and needles rests TUNISIA. Get back on the trail and continue forward.
BOX 10
Girl Scouts CAMEROON LETTERBOX (Africa Region)
Placed by: CANDY
INFO: CAMEROON Scouting established in 1943.
Oops...time to make a U-turn and head back East down the gravel trail. Yes, you are on the right path even though you've already walked this direction. Keep the water on your left and hug the shoreline. Up ahead, it's a bird, it's a plane,'s a bathouse. Do you see it? At the blue sign, turn left and head towards the Camas Lily Loop. What are you looking for? When you find "10" turn right. Standing with the log fence on your left, you will find CAMEROON 135 degrees over your right shoulder. Don't get "stumped" on this one.
BOX 11 - REVISED CLUES for easier finding.
This box is confirmed NOT MISSING by placer!
ALIVE and WELL on 4/21/06
Girl Scouts SPAIN LETTERBOX (Europe Region)
Placed by: LADYBUG
INFO: Scouting in SPAIN an educational project that helps bringing up active, committed, sincere people. Where boys and girls take part in projects and activities, from a week-end trip to the discovery of a faraway country. All the year round, children and young people grow up together under the responsibility of their leaders, competent young people that have been largely trained.
SPAIN Scouting established in 1929.
Only a short ways to go....continue walking with the log fence on your left. From the end of the fence begin counting 22 leader paces. On your right , where the pine and its stumpy cousin rest you will find SPAIN but you must walk 7 leader paces off the trail. This box is in a stump, behind bark and under a rock!
BOX 6: (relocated clues below - you will find this box AFTER
Box 11 from this point forward) 4/21/06
Girl Scouts BRAZIL LETTERBOX (Western Hemisphere Region)
Placed by: TEATAT95
*note* This box was relocated for two reasons....first being the old location was far too vulnerable and second, the placer of this box is moving to Tennessee and will no longer be a part of the troop that placed this series - so a relocation seemed to be in order).
INFO: The Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil is an educational institution that enables children and young people of both sexes to be responsible world citizens. It carries out a complementary work alongside family and school education developing ethical values, as well as encouraging young people to take active and responsible participation on the community issues. BRAZIL Scouting established in 1919.
CLUES: Continue walking up hill. After you cross siz log rolls stay left on the main trail. The fence will be on your left side. Take the path at the first "Foot Traffic Only" sign on your right. You will come to a very steep hill - continue up. The trail will curve right at a very large needle bearing tree. STOP! Near the large tree is a boulder on your right. About 4 paces off the trail behind the boulder and under a flat rock lies BRAZIL.
BOX 12:
Girl Scouts USA LETTERBOX (Western Hemisphere Region)
(formerly Troop 2199 Letterbox)
Placed by: LILY and CRICKET
INFO: USA Girl Scouts help to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service that they may become happy and resourceful citizens.
USA Girl Scouts established in 1912.
After finding Box #6 you will continue walking the trail, around the tree and up a very steep, rocky terrain. At the "T", take a right and walk through the meadow, over many, many rocks. You will come to a point where the trail becomes rockier and steeper. This trail brings you back to the main trail where you will take a left. As a troop we liked this final stop best and that is why our Troop box is hidden here. We could all sit down and rest after hiding this box. When you arrive at the fallen log you will notice a rock ledge. Look carefully under the ledge and behind the rocks you'll find USA - TROOP 2199. REST and enjoy!
We do have one request.....IF you are a GIRL SCOUT TROOP and you search for these boxes as a troop - PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW EACH GIRL TO STAMP IN INDIVIDUALLY. Please make or buy one stamp that represents your troop and use that. However, we encourage each girl in your troop to use the box stamp to stamp into their own journal. By following that simple rule, other troops and letterboxing hobbiests will have a place to stamp into the logbook as well.
ENJOY! and Be sure to let us know about your adventure to SCOUTING AROUND THE WORLD!
IF you notice damage to a letterbox or if you suspect a letterbox is missing....PLEASE CONTACT THE PLACER IMMEDIATELY! The Troop worked very hard on this series and would like to ensure its integrity for years to come.