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The Adventures of Gingerbread Jim - #3 LbNA #18614

Plant date:Oct 11, 2005
State:New Hampshire
Planted by:Team New Hampshire Contact Inactive
Found by: Team Rogue
Last found:Jun 20, 2021
Last edited:Oct 11, 2005

This series of letterboxes will tell you a story of a man called Gingerbread Jim. He was born, February 2, 1941, growing up in a small town called Gingerbread Junction located somewhere in the states. The stories he will tell, will take you to the favorite paces he always enjoyed visiting, introduce you to fasinating people he met, and make you laugh through the situations he had gone through, growing up through the years. So I hope you enjoy the series and cherish the stories that are told as only Gingerbread Jim could.

The Adventures of Gingerbread Jim - #3
-The Horrible Incredible Unforgettable Sneeze-

The year - 1951
Age - 10
Location - Castle in the Clouds

This is a story I will never forget, and I can't believe I'm telling it to you now. One October weekend, back in 1951, I got the chance to stay the weekend at my grandparents house. We went everywhere together, but the one place I will definately visit again, will be The Castle in the Clouds. It was located on Route 171, in beautiful Moultonbourgh. The fall foilage was nothing I had ever seen before. So we get to the tour gate, and pulled in. My grandparents paid $5 and they paid $10 for me. "Your lucky you came when you did, because we close late October." the women at the booth said. "We won't open again until the spring time. It's still a great hike though if your up for it." At this point I had realized I needed to used the bathroom. But I thought I could've waited, so we started off on the road heading "up" the whole way. There were many twist and turns, and the roads were a bit wet and slippery. It had rained hard days before, and a little that day as well. Not helping my bathroom issue at all. Anyway, we had come to a wicked sharp corner with a stonewall fence, and I thought we were going to go right through it. I suggest taking it slow, so it doesn't look like your going to go through it too. Wouldn't you know. If you have been paying attention to my stories, everywhere I go, there has always been huge boulders. And there was one again. It was on the right side of the road, and I thought we were going to hit that too. Grandpa was a crazy driver. Did I tell you that? I think it's old age. Sooooo, on your left will be a parking area where you can park and cross the road to view the "Falls of Song." If you have time, I would suggest going there. All I have to say is "WOW!" Oh my gosh. I have to pee like a race horse now, gush like a waterfall. Geez! Oh, sorry. Got carried away. So we continued on, up up up, past a wonderful viewing area with no parking, and traveled another 3/4 of a mile to another viewing spot. This time there was parking spots, but no potties. They did have those viewer things, that you put money into, but no way was my grandparents going to give me money for that. They said they had already spent to much on me already. I wanted to tell them off, but I'm only 10 ya know. So just up ahead, you will see signs for parking, and you should see the carriage house on the left. Don't drive up there! You will get yelled at. Grandpa did it, and yes, he got yelled at. So I advise you use the parking area provided. And if you have to use the bathroom really bad, get dropped off by the carriage house. By now, I really had to go. So bad I could no longer hold it. So we pulled into the parking lot very very slowly. I wanted to scream at grandpa, but he had no idea I had to go. Slowly he drove through the lot looking for a place to park. Any place would have done fine, I HAD TO GO! He finally found a spot, and seriously. I thought he was going to hit the telephone pole we parked at. It had a utility box on it and it had the numbers 16901 a nail and 1. I don't know how I remembered that, with something else on my mind, but I did. So, I darted out of the car, ran behind a tree behind the telephone pole, realized it was to close, and began to freak out. Just a bit further from the parking lot, I saw a tree stump, went there, and felt I was still too close. Got to go, got to go, go to go real bad. Finally i found a huge tree in the stone wall. Now I was far enough. I went behind that tree, Just as I was about to unzip my pants, a feather fell from somewhere above me, barely brushed by my nose, and "Ah, Ahhhh, Ahhhhhh, ACHOOOOOOOO!" I sneezed the most horrible, incredible, unforgettable sneeze in my life. I looked up to find a bird taking off from a tree branch, and then there was more. I looked down and noticed.... I'm still a bit embrassed.... I wet myself.... It was the worse thing that had ever happened to me. And now I was going to have to explain to my grandparents what had happened. So I headed back to the car where they were waiting for me.
"What had happened Jim? asked my grandma.
My grandpa giggling, remarked, "I think he wet himself!"
And to make things worse, grandma stated, "Oh dear, that happens to me all the time!"
Definitely "TMI." To much information. Grandma had explained that she always brought an extra pair of underoos just incase. She offered them to me, and I quickly turned her down. I think anybody would. But, just before we headed home, there was a pond on the right before the exit. Grandpa had an idea. We all got out of the car to feed the giant rainbow trout and grandpa walked up to the water, and splashed himself.
"Now we look like we both wet ourselves" he said.
My grandpa may drive crazy and always look like he is going to hit something, but he always knows what he is doing. He was a very smart man. He knew exactly what to do to make me feel better. So, instead of heading home, now all three of us went up to the castle, all wet. Yes grandma was wet too, just not from the pond.

Please remember to replace the letterbox exactly as you found it. Be as careful as possible doing what you need to do, for that from late spring, to late October, the area maybe full of people enjoying the castle and the view out away from the parking lot. Please email me and let me know how things went and tell me your story about your visit to The Castle in the Clouds.

P.S. Castle in the Clouds is closed during the late fall to early spring. There is a road to the bottling plant you can take to get to this letterbox, but I do suggest visiting the castle while it is open. It makes the story much better.

-Team New Hampshire