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Marsh Vegetation LbNA #20177

Owner:Wisconsin Hiker Contact
Plant date:Feb 11, 2006
Found by: Cherokee Rose 2
Last found:Oct 16, 2011
Last edited:May 15, 2016
Last checked/found: 20-SEP-09

Distance: 2.5 - 3 miles
Time: ~1.5 hour depending on trail conditions
Terrain: Mostly level trails through marsh and woods
Note: No dogs allowed on this trail.

To start your quest, take Hwy 33 west approximately 15 miles from Hwy 41 to the city of Horicon. Take Palmatory Street north from Hwy. 33 for approximately .7 miles until you reach a marsh parking lot on your left.

This hike will take you into the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States (32,000 acres) and is a wildlife area established primarily for the benefit of migratory waterfowl.

Start your quest at the trail sign on the north side of the parking lot. Head north along the trail, learning about the marsh as you read the informative signs. At the T-intersection, head right and pass the shrub carr. Along the way you’ll learn what year a dam was removed: __________. At the next intersection, head left and circle the pond. You’ll see some of the famous marsh vegetation along the way. Read about an invasive plant: _________________ and fish: _____________.

After circling the pond, head north into the woods. When you reach a rough road, turn left and follow the curve to travel across the marsh on a dike. You’ll pass a small pumping station and 2 benches in this area. As you approach the woods, continue straight instead of following the curve of the dike. At the T-intersection, face right and then walk X paces (X is the number of letters in the first name of the plant added to the last digit of the year, with this sum then multiplied by 10). You should then see a boulder on the left side of the trail. Stand on the boulder and take a bearing of Y (Y is the number of letters in the name of the fish multiplied by 25). Walk to the large knobby tree and look inside to find your marsh souvenir.

After stamping in and carefully rehiding, return to the trail and backtrack to the dike. Return across the dike, (we saw a red-tailed hawk here) and head back into the woods. Ignore the path on your right that you came in on, but instead take the next path on your left. You may now want to look for the Marsh Visitor box.

Continue along the path, following the arrows and staying to your left to return to the parking lot.

We hope you enjoyed your hike! You might want to stop at the Horicon Marsh International Education Center which is only 2 miles away. To get there, head back towards Hwy 33. Turn left on any side street before that and then turn left again on Hwy 28. You'll see signs for the Center which is located on the left side of the road. You could also visit the marsh headquarters and visitor center located 3-4 miles north of Kekoskee on County Road Z. (Kekoskee is approximately 7.5 miles northeast of the parking lot where this hike starts.)

I’d really appreciate an email message to let me know how the box is doing if you can spare the time!

Hike length: 2-3 miles