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A Visit From Connecticut LbNA #20805

Plant date:Jan 2, 2006
Planted by:butterfly Contact Inactive
Found by: Clueless
Last found:May 27, 2011
Last edited:Jan 2, 2006
NOTE Up date , January 2010 , found in good condition .

This lovely stamp was carved by our friend R.T.R.W. and reminds us of a New England scene. Please bring your markers as there is no ink pad in the box.
This lovely loop trail is in the Manuka Natural Reserve on the Kona Side of the Big Island. Travel south on Rt. 11 about 50 miles from Kaiua Kona . There are several more letterboxes as you travel on
The Manuka Wayside travelers rest stop is where you want to begin this walk. Park and read about Colonial L.W.”Bill” Bryan and his crew. There are over 48 species of native Hawaiian plants and over 130 species of exotic plants in the area. No wonder we hiked the whole loop ! The two mile hike takes you into lovely forests but the letterbox is planted close to the beginning so visiting folks can choose to turn around after finding the box , or continue as we did to enjoy magic .
At the sign , go straight onto the trail and pass under the Avocado and Mango trees and continue straight. Soon walk up and over and down stairs staying straight on the trail. Just before the next stairs, stop and look left to a two sister Kukui Nut Tree. At its base under a mossy ledge , find A VISIT FROM CONNECTICUT.
Please cover well from view with the mossy rocks.
If you choose to continue on , it will be a lovely memory from this magical place.
Butterfly from Ct.