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We're Crabby LbNA #21427

Owner:girlguides Contact Inactive
Plant date:Apr 4, 2006
City:Ocean City
Found by: Angel Winks
Last found:Oct 30, 2020
Last edited:Apr 4, 2006
October 11,2010 - The box is alive and well.

Clues: Any letterboxer who visits Ocean City needs to have a Maryland Blue Crab. This one is located in the Isle of Wight Nature Park off of Rt.90; the park is on the right as you are driving east, just before you cross the bay into OC. Almost a drive-by, but bring a picnic lunch and enjoy spectacular views of the bay from the pier.

As you drive into the park, take a left where the road forks and after a short distance, park in the small parking lot on the left. From the third parking space, take the small path into the woods. Find the tree with 7 towers and from there look ENE and find one tree, two trunks, three towers at approximately 25 steps away. Take a reading of 120* and take about 18 steps to a multi-trunked tree. The treasure lies under a piece of slate covered with needles, leaves and a few branches near the base. Please replace piece of slate over box.

Email us at and let us know how our crabby friend is doing!