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Scouting Around the World 2 - Crest of Lightening LbNA #21591

Plant date:Apr 21, 2006
Planted by:SmokyMountainLILY Contact Inactive
Found by: Doc's Menagerie
Last found:Aug 4, 2007
Last edited:Apr 21, 2006
HandCarved Stamp: YES
Handicapped Accessible: NO
Child Friendly: YES
HitchHiker Friendly: Only if SMALL!

One very sunny, warm Pacific Northwest day a Junior Girl Scout decided she would go letterboxing one more time before moving away. With a brand new letterbox to plant - representing their troop crest AND as a tribute to her Girl Scout Troop 2199 leader - she headed down the main trail past the playground and restrooms. She noticed water on both sides of the trail and plenty of people fishing because 2000 adult trout had just been placed into the lake.

She continue walking to the debris cage and dam, rossed the paved foot bridge just to the right of the dam, and then kept to the right (she did NOT cross the main Round Lake dam which was to her left) but instead continued on, crossing the small Mill Pond Dam.

At the fork she stopped and remembered to begin marking her trail so as to not get lost because there are many choices a girl could take. She stayed left and quickly saw a wide trail (heading SE) straight ahead. So she walked down that trail, then veered to the right and went up a hill (the sound of Pothole Falls quickly diminished). She was surprised when she ran into a school on the other side of the fence ahead of her. She waved to the kids playing in the yard and kept walking along the fence in an East/NE direction.

She saw an uneven trail to her left and decided to take it in hopes of finding evidence of lightening somewhere in the dense forest. She continued walking over tree stumps and headed to the fence. She kept the fence on her left and continued walking. WHEW, she heard the sound of the Falls again so she new she wasn't lost. The trail veered left and up but she decided not to continue up. Instead she took the South side rabbit trail and ahead found the evidence she was looking for - a downed tree! She was sure not to cross over the log. On her right, at 255 degrees, in and behind the remnants of what once was...she decided to leave her tribute.

To get back to civilization....the Junior Girl Scout hopped back onto the main trail and continue on. Because of her great navigating skills she realized it wasn't necessary to back track so she continued walking a very obvious foot trail that went uphill (the fence was still on her left). She walked until she arrived at a quad armed tree, which she easily scooted around and then up a few feet to the main trail. She headed West on the main trail and continued on until she crossed back over the dam.

She decided, when she arrived at the cross road, that she would cross over the main dam and check on the Scouting Around the World series that her troop planted. You may want to do the same. SMILE!

*This is LILY's last plant before moving across country.

(This LB is being maintained from this point on by CRICKETZ - SMILE!)