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Go Dragons! LbNA #21899

Plant date:May 3, 2006
City:San Jose
County:Santa Clara
Planted by:Dem XX Men Contact Inactive
Found by: My dear Watson
Last found:Feb 3, 2007
Last edited:May 3, 2006
I have spent the last two years teaching fifth grade at a school on the east side of San Jose. My first year, my students tore my soul out and ate it for breakfast every day. This second year has been a million times better; my kids are actually learning something! Because I won’t be staying in the area, I wanted to leave something behind.
Most of the schools in the district are named after local individuals of influence, and mine is also. Once you figure out the name of the school, you’ll have 98% of the work done.
This school is named after San Jose’s most renowned historian. The name of his book is _______ ______________’s History of San Jose. He was born in Santa Clara in 1903. His family arrived in the valley by covered wagon, two years before gold was struck.
He attended Santa Clara High School until the age of 15, when he quit school and drove horses to help support the family.
When he became San Jose's city historian in 1945, he began his legacy as the leading authority on San Jose history. In 1949 he worked as the curator for the San Jose Historical Museum, and was commissioned by the city in 1970 to write the city's history. Fifteen years later, the book was published. This 535-page book is recognized as the authoritative book on San Jose's history.
When you find this school, pull in and park in the front parking lot. Beginning at the west end of the parking lot, where you came in, find the second Ponderosa Pine from the entrance. Walk up the sidewalk about 38 paces (a left and a right). Stop and see what’s going on at school. Then proceed another 7 or so paces. Stop, turn to the south. Go until you are next to the second tree. Crouch down near the trunk and look up in the branches.

Be VERY careful re-hiding this letterbox, as it is in the middle of a school! Make sure it’s stuck very well!
Don’t visit between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on school days.
Don’t come too late at night or someone might call the cops on you.