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Monument Mystery LbNA #2226

Owner:The Pakrat Contact
Plant date:Feb 18, 2002
State:New Jersey
Found by: ???
Last found:Feb 23, 2025
Last edited:Aug 7, 2017
Originally planted by M & P, Feb. 18, 2002
Adopted by The Pakrat May 23, 2015
Aug. 6, 2017
I've replaced the original logbook with a new one, but I dried out the pages of the old one and included them in the new box.

Difficulty - If you know where it is, it's easy; if you don't it's probably pretty hard. :)
Terrain - There are at least 3 approaches to the monument
1. within 5 minutes of parking - easy trail
2. 2 miles from parking but fairly easy hike (boots a good idea)
3. less than a mile from parking but steep down and up (boots and walking stick)
The box is less than 10 minutes from the monument with some bushwhacking required.

Shown above is the monument erected to commemorate the work done by the Women's Clubs of New Jersey to preserve the area from "defacement and depredation" at the hands of "Ruthless Quarrymen."

Your quest begins here. From the monument follow the trail South. At the major intersection, leave the marked trails and head left on the unmarked trail. Remain on this trail and soon after the right curve look for the pool on the right side surrounded by varied shrubbery.

From the western most rock of the pool at a heading of about 243 degrees go 30 walking steps to a pine tree.

From that pine at a heading of 300 degrees go 22 walking steps to a large rock. There you will find what you're looking for.

For picture of the Monument